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Looking for advice

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Hi, Hope everyone is well.


So back in 2017 I had a HT in turkey 2800grafts I know now theres certain comments about turkey but my overall experience with the clnic I went too was great really nice people and was overall a good experince so I'm not trying to slate anyone here but I think my results weren't as good as I was hoping.


I'm just wanting some advice on how to proceed for the future as hairloss never stops we can only try with meds etc, I've been on fin for 4/5 years since my HT and i think my hairs holding up pretty well dont really shed I still get odd hairs when washing etc but suppose everyone does.


I do like my current hairline but as I was only young when i had my first HT I think I should of been more better in planning for future loss so this is me trying to ask for help/opinions on how I can plan best for the future I'm not sure if I should have the hairline raised a little or if its fine where it is?


I've attatched pics all taken today same light/position so any help to plan me in the right direction would be great, also attatched a could pre-op from first HT












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  • Senior Member

Looks like an overall good result, but I could potentially see how you are unsatisfied with some of the density of the areas. Hmmmm maybe an additional 700 or so grafts in the hairline?

I wager 90% or more of HT patients ultimately get a 2nd surgery, for a multitude of reasons. So your situation is par for the course really. 

Also, be thankful your crown is totally good. That's one less thing you need to worry about. 

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  • Senior Member

Your hairline is fine where it is, doesn't look too aggressive to me or anything. Besides, you would never really want to 'raise' it unless you really had to as this would entail punching out grafts which leaves scarring on the forehead. 

I think you just need a bit more density in the hairline really, that's the only real issue. 1000 grafts max (I think less will do, maybe 500-800) in the hairline and you should be good to go, judging by the pictures I see at least.

I would get in touch with the Belgian, Portuguese and Spanish docs we recommend often on here and go ahead with which ever you feel the most comfortable with

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