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Baldnes Cure

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  • Senior Member

So many cures have came and went.
I guess we won't have a cure until we have consistent human results. 

I recall reading an article that a company has successfully cloned stem cells / hair follicles.
They essentially extract a few follicles and clone them a few thousand times then transplant them back onto your scalp.

It's still in the trial stages and is expected to cost over £200,000, so it won't be mainstream anytime soon.


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  • Senior Member

I didn't read the study but it seems ground-breaking since it links the stress hormone and hair follicle development. The next gen will have a lot more options to stop hairloss with on-going treatments (more effective topicals). This is great for the young guys going bald early (probably due to too much stress!) since their options, including hair transplants, are sub-optimal. Also great for women with thinning hair since their current choices are also sub-optimal. 



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