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Considering Rogaine Foam, looking for advice....


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Hey all, I'm considering starting Rogaine Foam sometime soon, but I'm still torn about whether or not it will be worth it, so any advice/ personal expereinces/ suggestions/ questions or comments will be very helpful.


I'm 22 and I've been losing my hair since I was about 14, although I doubt anyone could really notice it until I was about 19 or 20. My hairline recedes from just above my sideburns back in a widow's peak, and in the past year or so I've noticed general thinning on the top of my head as well.


My primary concern is keeping the hair on my temples where it is or even regrowing some of it--but I'm not sure if Rogaine Foam would work well for this. I've read a lot of personal experiences about Rogaine Foam and while many people do use it for frontal balding, there also appears to be a pretty brutal shedding period associated with this, and not much regrowth afterwards.


All the men on my mother's side are bald and I feel that fate (and genetics) are set against me, so I'm not sure if Rogaine Foam would have any significant effect--or if my hair would even survive the shedding period.


Also, I've considered using Finasteride (Propecia) but I'm just not really cool with the potential side-effect of permenant impotence. Has anyone here tried Finasteride, and was it successful/unsuccessful? Any advice on either of these products would be appreciated.

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Propecia does not give permanent impotence or noone would ever risk that, even for hair!


A small percentage of people have that side effect and it often goes away in a few weeks even if you continue the medicine. And if you stop the medicine, your side effect goes away within a week or so.


Regarding Rogaine Foam: I would guess that about 30% of men passing through our office have been happy with regular Rogaine but have had to tolerate dandruff. With the newer foam, I would guess that 80% of guys who tried it liked it; but I don't see alot of guys who have gone out and tried it for some reason.


Its not too expensive for you to try for a month or 2 and see if you can tolerate it for the year it will take to see results. If you have too much itchiness, you can always stop it.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hi Gene Fighter,


I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm 24 and I've been losing my hair since I was 17.


About a year ago I saw a coalition surgeon about an HT, he recommended that I go on the Rogaine foam and Propecia in a year, and see what the results are.


I've had no problems with either product in that, I have been fortunate to not have experienced any of the side-effects. I've filled in some at the vertex of my head, and I believe I've stopped the hair loss.


I took photos prior to using the products and I look A LOT better now, than a year ago.


Give it a shot Gene Fighter, I think it will work out for you.


I hope this was helpful to you Gene Fighter.

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Gene Fighter.

I really like the name by the way. Best of luck with that.

You'll find so much information on this forum regarding Finasteride, potential side-effects and percentages included. For me and I believe most would agree, that Finasteride is the primary product with Rogain/minoxidil assisting. If your geniunly serious, which I presume that you are, that you are ready to take the first steps with some kind of prevention and potential improvement, then I would really suggest to give both these meds a try. Like the doc has explained above, if you are feeling the effects you can call it quits and then at least be safe with the knowledge that you tried this step and it didnt work for you. Its possible that you hold off the meds, two years or so down the line, experienced further progression with your hair loss that could have potentially been prevented and you would have oh so wish that you would have tried. Both these meds can be attained at very competitive prices if you take the generics. Remember only 2% experience any side-effects. Good luck with your decision.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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