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Hair transplant versus hair micropigmentation

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I just would like to give my support to those men who have suffered from hair loss and share my testimony as well. 

I hear about a new potential medical treatment to cure baldness, something originally intended to treat osteoporosis. Well, this is absolute welcome as baldness affect the self-confidence and social life of millions around the world. I hope this treatment is available to public soon, not in 10 or 20 years, like hundreds of times before in similar news. In my opinion, however, the ultimate solution for baldness will be hair cloning sometime in the future, fully tested and approved by medical boards around the world with the most advance technics developed by scientists.

I’m 54 now, but getting bald really consumed my existence for many years. I started losing hair very early, in my teens during the 1980s but I could relatively cover it up until my early 20s. When I was about 23, I couldn’t hide it anymore. You could imagine how devastated, low self-esteemed I felt in the prime of my youth.

When I turned 25 and having used Rogaine for some time, I decided to have my first hair transplant. I felt somewhat relieved at first, but my baldness kept progressing aggressively and rapidly. Then, I did a couple more hair transplant procedures during the following 2 years but things only got worse, looked unnatural and did not cover my baldness at all. Not to mention the obscene amount of money I had spent until that point, I felt even more frustrated and very unhappy.

With so many scars in the back of my head, shaving it off was not an option, I tell you, it would look scar(y)…LOL

Finally, in 2015, I learned more about scalp pigmentation. Something I had heard a few years back, and that was my redemption. I had to go for a few visits at this clinic to have the entire procedure done, since my case was quite challenging, considering all the scars on my head, transplanted hair and some original hair I still had.  

Basically, what they do is shave your scalp and pigment it entirely. In the end, the outcome was absolute outstanding. Once a while I stop by at this guy’s clinic to say hello and kid him saying that what he did in my case is his masterpiece in scalp pigmentation. My scars were all covered up completely and the pigmented scalp combined with the shaved transplanted hair matched perfectly. It looks absolute natural. No one can tell there is anything done, unless I mention it.

I never thought I could look this great again. All my friends, my fiancée and family just loved the result. It took years off my face!

I’ve always lived a healthy life, worked out regularly, professionally realized and all. The only thing that still bothered me was the way my hair, or the lack of it, looked.

Now, I am a new man. I mean, really new invigorated confident man. It is difficult to put in words how good I feel.

I must tell you that I do not represent any company or the scalp pigmentation business. I just happen to be giving my testimony.

My advice to all men who feel miserable because of hair loss is get through with it and stay away from hair transplant. It is not the final solution to hair loss and baldness because the area to be covered will always be greater than the amount of hair the donor area can provide. The amount of hair that can be extracted from the back and side of your head is limited. It may look ok in the beginning but as time goes by it will not cover your scalp satisfactorily and it will look funny and unnatural. Take my word for it. I’ve been through that.

Of course, specialists in hair transplant will tell you otherwise, since they have developed advance technics over the years. But, still, not worth it at all.

The cure for baldness might happen sometime in the future, be through hair cloning or other medical discovery, but bear in mind that hair transplant the way it is done today is not a definite solution to baldness.

However, if you have been through a hair transplant and are not happy with the result, try scalp pigmentation. You will look far better.




God bless you all!

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  • Senior Member

The hair transplants methods of today are far, far superior than what you might have had. FUT and FUE hair transplants by the leading clinics today are worlds apart from the old antiquated methods used in the 80s & 90s, just ask @Gatsbyplease let us know when your procedures took place and by what method. 
Glad SMP helped, but we are going to need some pics please 🙏

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