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Max Number of FUG Strip Procedures

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  • Senior Member

No, 3 is not the limit. It all depends on the number of grafts removed. There are guys on this forum who have had 6 done.


I would say 3 probably would be a limit if you had all mega sessions done. But decent laxity could yield you possibly 4 strips.


This would all be a case by case question.

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  • Senior Member


Many patients have had as much as 6-10 HT's. But most of those were smaller procedures. They excise donor at the same site so you only have 1 scar no matter how many procedures you have. It does depend on the amount of donor. However, I would not recommend a MEGA Session of 4,000+ due to potential donor scaring and shock loss-- I know this is a hot topic about large sessions, but your scalp has only so much elastic and if stretch too much without time to recover, it can cause some side efforts-- temp or perm.

My suggestion would be to go with as large a session without pushing the limit and sacrificing donor--- 2,000-2500 Fu's seem to be very well received by most patients with good results.

An average scalp has donor of approx. 5,000-8,000 Fu.s. Depending on density.

You want to limit the number of HT, but at the same time not risk scaring, regrowth, or shock loss---- there is a fine balance.

Talk to your surgeon about his/her recommendation of future procedures.

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