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OUR NEW HOME- 107 Harley Street

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Following almost 12 years of being part of The Private Clinic at 98 Harley Street, I am pleased to announce that I have established my new home at 107 Harley Street. It has taken me nearly 6 years to find myself an ideal location which befits the brand value that we represent as a team. I am grateful for all my staff and colleagues at 98 Harley Street for creating some amazing memories and nearly 4500 quality results.  I am pleased to say that our brand new clinic has received CQC accreditation and it will be quality and patient focussed.

My vision has always been to establish a hair centric clinic offering evidence based and cutting edge technologies in an ever evolving space. I have put together an amazing team that have shared my vision for the last 12 years and we are all passionate about delivering exceptional care to be able to exceed the expectations of our discerning patients. 

I would like to say a special thank you to my team for all the background work that has quietly been carried out for the past 12 months which has brought me to 107 Harley Street. We intend to launch our new website very soon which should reflect our brand values and showcase our exceptional work for the last 15 years. 

We look forward to welcoming you at 107 Harley Street. In the meantime, feel free to book through https://drraghureddy.com or email my colleague , Alda at Alda-hajdari@hotmail.co.uk. 






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I represent Dr. Raghu Reddy


Dr. Raghu Reddy is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.

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