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How Long To Wait To Workout After HT

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Most of the clinics say wait 4 weeks before you can go back to the gym, run, lift etc... Others say you can resume normal running and lifting after 2 weeks when the grafts are secure?

Any input on when it is safe to resume workouts again after a HT? Is the 4 week wait really necessary or just over precaution? 

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With FUE most clinics say after 14 days, you’re fine to resume exercise. It can actually help aid with your body’s recovery, because it is great for circulation and overall health. 

FUT is longer, I’ve seen some clinics say to wait as long as 6 months. 

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For FUE, there are less restrictions since you don't have a continuous linear wound that is closed. Avoid contact sports for ~10 days. You can run after about ~3 days and lift weights ~10 days.

For FUT, you want to avoid exercises that will stretch your neck. So no heavy lifting for at least 2 months and you can do light weights ~14 days and run ~7 days. 

As always, it's best to consult with your surgeon beforehand. 

Edited by Dr. Suhail Khokhar

My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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In the old days, 14 days.  Now it does depend on the technique.  If FUT or FUE - and the type of exercise.  For example, if FUT, any type of exercise pulling on the neck is a no-no. This can result in stretching the scar.  Aerobic type of exercise - like running, 3-7 days depending on how conservative the doctor is.  Leg presses are also OK.  7-10 should be sufficient time to return to normal except for the neck-stretching type exercise.  I would honestly wait at least 6 months before doing that.  If you must do something, push ups are OK and will cause no issues.

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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