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I have noticed I have thin hair recently. I always used to get short hair cuts, so the fact that my scalp was kinda visible was normal to me.


4 weeks ago, I got my last haircut. It was kinda short. Then I noticed when combing my hair that the barber did an awful job on the top. I needed a trim on the back.


So my uncle a 60 year former barber takes a razor and tells me he'll fix it. And he did, that was about 2 weeks ago. I didn't notice anything, so now I take a mirror to look at the back of my head and I found this.






Now Im scared, I'm waiting for my hair to fully grow up before doing anything (haircut, doctor, etc). I don't know if my barber made a patch on the back of my head, or if my uncle did it (i asked and he doesnt remember) OR if im just getting bald. I'm brushing my hair a lot, and washing my head each 1-2 days.



I'm 23 years old. My dad is not bald, neither is my grandfather. I haven't noticed any loss of hair (finding hair on my bed, while brushing my hair, etc)


Am I just being paranoic? In that pic my hair looks kinda short as you can notice, so maybe it was just a mistake by the barber or my uncle? I can't confirm it. Maybe it'll grow back, and i'll remember this and laugh.


My uncle says I just have thin hair and that it has nothing to do with baldness. I just need to stop getting short hair cuts. But he's not an expert.


Any opinions?


Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to our hair restoration forum. I think you'll find our community very helpful in seeking the kind of information you're looking for.


The pictures are very fuzzy, but I agree that this looks like the onset of male pattern baldness. Given the loss below the crown already, you could be in for some pretty hefty loss if you don't do anything about it quickly.


The most effective and proven non-surgical hair loss treatments to date are Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). You may want to consult with a dermatologist so he can confirm your hair loss is genetic and then talk to him about the benefits, limitations, and potential sid effects associated with these hair loss drugs.


In the meantime, hang in there. Nobody likes to lose their hair, but it's very common in men, so you're not alone. Taking Propecia and Rogaine early may just help you save your hair.


Best wishes,



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Thanks, just one thing.


About 3 weeks ago, my aunt recommended me to take cold liver oil pills. Its because i suffer from colds and bronchitis and it apparently helps prevent that.


Now i find in google, that they promote hair loss because it has high amounts of vitamin A.


But the package says, they're high on vitamin A and D, plus it has Omega 3. I researched about Omega 3 online and found that it promotes hair growth. So I'm confused.


I've been taking this cold liver oil pills since 4 weeks ago, 6 pills a day. I noticed the hair loss problem about a week ago, 3 weeks after I started drinking the pills.


Is this somehow related?

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  • Senior Member

I read somewhere you can lose between 30/50 % of hair density before you sometimes notice you are thinning so you could of been thinning slowly for some time.It looks like MPB because the thinning is only in the crown area.best to get a miniturization test done to confirm it.

HT 2006/7

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I went to the dermatologist. My diagnosis was Seborrhoeic dermatitis.


It provokes the irritation on my scalp, and is apparently the cause of the hair loss.


The doctor told me to use a solution of "salicylic acid" and a protein supplement. I have to use that for a month, apparently... That would make the irritation to stop, and the hair to grow back.


Any opinions?

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If your hair loss is caused by seborrheic dermatitis (which indeed is possible), treating it properly may reverse the hair loss process. However, hair regrowth is notoriously slow and could take several months.


In my opinion, follow your doctor's advice and see what happens.


Best wishes,



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I haven't been able to contact my doctor about it.


I'm using "Head and Shoulders" shampoo with Pyrithione zinc. I heard it helps keep the scalp healthy. I wash it every morning with it. Any opinions?


At night I apply the salycid acid as the doctor said.


I've noticed lately I lose two types of hair, ones are really thin and almost unnoticeable, others look wider and stronger. I found around 8-10 hairs on my hands after applying the shampoo. When I comb my hair I usually find 3-5.


My doctor said, normal people lose around 100 hairs a day. But before this problem I've never noticed losing it, but now I am.



The irritation on my scalp is gone, which is a good thing.

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