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Reshaping existing hairline

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44yo male, diffuse thinning. 
- Minoxidil for over a year
- Fin and dermarolling for about 8 months
- Seeing some progress!

I'd like to reshape my hairline to be a more straight across, possibly lower it slightly. 

Is it possible for an HT to use some of that finer frontline hair that exists? Shift it down, and then FUE/FUT to 'fill in' the gap left behind. 
I'd like to avoid that telling transplant pattern. 

Please see https://imgur.com/a/O1PY411 for the before/after I have in mind. 


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Hi welcome to the forum.

Its great that you are having success with your regimen, but you still can't put transplantable-level confidence in those frontal hairs and move them farther forward. In the long term most guys, even those doing the right things like you are, will still lose considerable amounts of frontal hair because its usually the most DHT sensitive. Finasteride does considerably lower your DHT but it doesn't eliminate it, so over the years it is still having a reduced effect. 

For those finer hairs that make the frontal hairline look natural the doctor has better options, taking from areas like the nape of your neck in the back.

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