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Cheapest regimen for NW2?


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This is my 1st post and I'm very new to the hairloss world.


I'm a male in my mid-20's who has been experiencing thining of the crown/vertex area. Also, I have a bit of temporal recession. I notice that I loose many hairs in the shower. I would say that I'm about a NW2 level.


Genetically, Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) has been common in my family, especially from my mother's side.


I would like to start using a form of Finasteride, but I am unsure which of the following would be the CHEAPEST, SAFEST, & PROVEN EFFECTIVE options: (link removed)


If I choose a Finasteride 1mg pill, I would most likely cut it in half and take it daily.


If I choose a Finasteride 5mg pill, I would most likely cut it into 4 pieces and take it daily.



I will most likely be using Revita shampoo in combination with a pill. I know Minoxidil can also be added in for even better results, but I feel Finasteride + Revita should do the trick for me to maintain my hair.


So can you help recommend to me which Finasteride pill would be best to use and be the most cost effective? Also, what is the cheapest places to purchase your recommended pill? Please PM me if you can't post the link in you reply!



Thank you all for your help,


~ Chea Pet

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Welcome to our hair loss forum.


I'm not famililar with the online pharmacy you're referencing, however many hair loss sufferers (such as myself) purchase the 5mg pill of finasteride and cut it into quarters. I personally get a prescription for Proscar (5mg of finasteride) from my hair restoration physician and purchase this over Propecia. While Propecia costs about $190+ for a 3 month supply, I pay about $80 for a 4 month supply of Proscar.


Best wishes,



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Dear Bill,


Thank for you for the warm welcome and wonderful reply.


In regards to my reference (promotional link removed) I was wondering which of the following forms of Finasteride was the best (cheapest, safest, effective):


1mg: Propecia, Finpecia, Finax


5mg: Proscar, Fincar, Fistide, Finast, Prosmin



Also, do you have to have a prescription to purchase these or are some over the counter? Would I have to go my family doctor and tell him I would like to get medicine to combat the male pattern baldness?


I appreciate all the help,


~ CheaPet

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Given that you continue to post a link to this website and asking the same questions over again, I'm starting to suspect you are here to promote this website. Therefore, I've removed the link to it since promotions are not allowed here.


The bottom line: finasteride is finasteride. As long as you're buying it from a legitimate resource, taking either a 1mg pill or a 1/4 of a 5mg pill is going to be similar in effect and safety. All drugs have potential side effects, so be sure to do your research ahead of time and speak to a physician.


Best wishes,



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Dear Bill,


I am certainly not a promoter of that website, I was just referencing it because it had a good breakdown of all the different forms of Finasteride, Dutasteride, Shampoos and Creams, and even information about Female Hair Loss.


Am I correct to assume that all of the forms of Finasteride require a perscription and are not sold as over the counter drugs (like Advil, Tylenol, etc)?


Once again, I appreciate all the help.


~ CheaPet

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  • Senior Member

Finasteride, in any of its forms, is a prescription-only drug in every country I've ever heard of. It's a pretty powerful drug that can cause serious problems if used incorrectly (by a pregnant woman, for example.)


You may be able to purchase it without a prescription on the internet but there are no guarantees when sending money to an online pharmacy in India.

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Originally posted by xxy:

Finasteride, in any of its forms, is a prescription-only drug in every country I've ever heard of. It's a pretty powerful drug that can cause serious problems if used incorrectly (by a pregnant woman, for example.)


You may be able to purchase it without a prescription on the internet but there are no guarantees when sending money to an online pharmacy in India.


Thanks for the response xxy! You feedback helps a lot.


I look foward to going to a local physician to get a checkup on my hairloss. Hopefully he prescribes me to take Finasteride.


Does anyone know if I will need to have a perscription written for a certain form of Finasteride (i.e. Propecia, Proscar, etc) or will they just generally write me a perscription so that I can purchase any form of Finasteride?




~ CheaPet

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