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Propecia/Finasterid 1 mg experience


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  • Regular Member

Dear all

I am a 42 year old Caucasian male and I have now been using 1 mg Finasterid daily for about 1.5 years and I think I see positive effects:

  1. My hair loss stopped
  2. I think I even got a bit of previously lost hair back, or at least previous miniaturization have been reversed. Could also be an illusion.

I haven't noticed any bad side effects. My nor-wood scale is somewhere between 2 and 3  - a slightly receded hairline, haven't noticed any hair loss at the scalp or vertex yet. Could still have lost there, but not yet enough to be visible to the eye.

I am curious to hear about other peoples experiences, both good and bad. 

Thanks in advance for sharing


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  • Senior Member

I’ve been taking Finasteride for almost 3 years now. I’m 31 years old and no side effects. Libido still good etc. Definitely feel it’s at least slowed down my hair loss and my hair is a little better than before 

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  • Senior Member

Hi ronipad

I've been on finasteride for over 10 years as I started losing hair quite young. I don't think it quite stopped my hair loss and its difficult to say where I would be without it but I have a feeling it slowed it down a decent amount. At 33 I still opted for a hair transplant as it bothered me a lot and most of my loss was focused on my hairlines and temples (NW 3).


I researched the drug quite a bit beforehand and throughout the years I've been on it. The official studies show it works (stops loss or regrows) for about 86% of patients over 5 years which is great news. A few years ago the FDA required makers of the drug to add depression as a possible side effect. This has me worried as I already suffer from anxiety. Not sure if this is a concern for many others.


It seems like your hair loss is not aggressive if you are a norwood 2-3 at 40 so I would expect it to work for many years to come. Good luck

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