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Norwood 4, 2100 grafts, FUE, Dr Lupanzula, Mar-20


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On 12/10/2020 at 2:05 AM, DenverBuff1989 said:

@baalloss sorry to hear about your failed HT. I can relate. My 1st HT was failed. Just like your hair is now, my hair looked "ok" to a casual observer, but was clearly a failure in terms of hair transplantation. All the transplant hair grew but there were definitely not enough grafts used. 2 repair jobs later and I am finally happy with my hair and able to put my hairloss war in the past. 

My failed HT literally was the most stressful thing in my life to deal with it. I went thru all 7 stages of grief, anger, denial, acceptance, etc. I was angry at myself - how stupid could I have been to go to a random no-name doc and not one of the highest rated ones. Mad at the doc, mad at the techs, was it really just bad luck or the result of negligence, etc. Embarrassed that I was now one of those "failed HT guys", and that my hair transplant was now a warning for others. 

Just like with the 7 stages of grief, the only way forward is acceptance, which it seems like you have done. Don't hold onto false hope that a miracle will happen and all the hair will grow in. Yes, of course a full HT takes 12 months to even 18 months to fully blossom, but by 9 months you absolutely know what the prognosis will be. 

The only way I could move forward from my 1st ht and really stop obsessing about it was research and start consulting and starting the process for my repair HT (unfortunately it took 2 of those to make everything good). 

A last piece of advice I have is beware of accepting a free repair job from the same operating surgeon, regardless of how tempting or convenient that may be. Who is to say the doctor won't make the same mistakes all over again? For my 2nd HT, I made the mistake of allowing the same surgeon to operate me again, and it was an improvement but gaps were still there. It wasn't until I went to a truly recognized doctor in the HT community that my hair finally looked great. IMO every doctor is very rigid in terms of the intricate processes of hair transplantation, they are very stubborn in their way of dpoing things. Even if the doctor is aware they are doing a repair case on one of their previous cases, they will still stick to their familiar way of doing things. For better or for worse, every doctor leaves their "signature" so to speak. 

I am going through the same stages you spoke of, anger , denial etc BUT i won't make the same mistake again I know that. I am going to the very best Dr next. Luckily my hair isn't bad as such, the donor isn't battered and it was only around 1300 grafts. Who did you go to see finally who fixed your hair if you dont mind me asking?

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