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Hi Everyone - HT Session soon

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Hi Everyone:

After lurking here from almost two years. i am writing my first post here. I have gotten so much information here. so thanks to everyone of you! I have few questions that i need to get cleared before i have my HT done.

1. After HT, how soon can you go out in public without feeling conscious about the scar and the redness? I will be taking two weeks off when i get my HT done. Will that be ok for me to go back to work after two weeks without having to wear a hat as we have a serious dress-code.

2. Which suture is advisable..dis-solvable or stitched?

3. If i am planning to getting about 3300 grafts done and want to pay in cash. How much should be my ball park estimate?

Please reply to my post when you get chance and i truly appreciate any feedback!

Thank You!

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  • Regular Member

Hi Everyone:

After lurking here from almost two years. i am writing my first post here. I have gotten so much information here. so thanks to everyone of you! I have few questions that i need to get cleared before i have my HT done.

1. After HT, how soon can you go out in public without feeling conscious about the scar and the redness? I will be taking two weeks off when i get my HT done. Will that be ok for me to go back to work after two weeks without having to wear a hat as we have a serious dress-code.

2. Which suture is advisable..dis-solvable or stitched?

3. If i am planning to getting about 3300 grafts done and want to pay in cash. How much should be my ball park estimate?

Please reply to my post when you get chance and i truly appreciate any feedback!

Thank You!

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Congrats on making the choice to get a HT. What doctor did you choose?


1. I am 13 days post op and would not go out in public without a hat on my head. I still have some scabs on the graft area. I will post pictures later today.


2. I had stitches, not sure what is better.


3. I had 3054 grafts and payed about 12K.


Do you have pictures? Have you thought of creating a weblog?


All the best


3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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  • Senior Member

Welcome Hairseekerusa,


After 2 weeks your donor and receipt area will be very red still, of course this is not always the case and changes from guy to guy but at 2 weeks in general things are still very noticeable, without picturs it's hard to tell. Growing your hair out will help, this is some what futile if you choose a doctor which shaves the receipt area, but it will help hide the donor area in either case.


Doctors have different opinions on dissolvable stitches, normal sutures and staples, which are used may be decided by your choice of surgeon. (I'm not sure they will let you choose which are used)I had dissolvable stitches with 10 normal sutures for tension stitches, the tension stitches were removed on the 6th day and the rest were totally gone in around a month.


The price is going to differ from doctor to doctor, you could start sending your pictures to some of the coalition doctors for quotes.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you both!! You guys really are a very helpful bunch. I had a consultation with Dr. Cooley last month, he and Ailene went over with me on all the details. I have heard really great things about Dr.Cooley and i have full confidence that he will do a great job on me as well. I will be attaching some pictures of me in my next post.

My wife had been working for an orthopedic surgeon and had been removing skin grafts. Do you think she can be handful if i decide to go for normal sutures and have her take them off? I live in Atlanta and Dr.Cooley's office is 4 hours away from me.

Thanks for suggesting a web log, which i should be doing to check my progress.

And thanks again for replying so fast to my post.

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I had a HT by Dr. Cooley 5 weeks ago. My roommate, who is a pharmacy tech with no real experience taking out sutures, took mine out with no problem 3 weeks ago. I'd advise against the dissolvable kind as everyone's body is different and there's no telling how quickly or slowly your body will dissolve them.

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