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Dr. Shapiro the best!!


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Guest comb
It's good that Riky is pleased with his result; though, his pics are totally dubious and I put little stock in them. Something does strikes me as fishy about all of this...the protein shakes....3months miracle growth.....and part of which is that L. Shapiro is fond of employing shills and deceitful marketing....which leads to the other important thing:


99.9% of people who do research, like everyone on this forum, will come to the opinion that there are *far*, *far* better docs and clinics to go to. But, if Riky is genuine and happy all the best for him -- if he would like to persuade anyone, however, and improve his doc's standing he should produce a nice set of quality before and afters.




I totaly agree with this post.

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Originally posted by DDD03:

Just thought I'd share a quick story about L. Shapiro...


So I had my initial consultation with him where he threw me a great pitch about how he had done over 10,000 procedures and was the pioneer in hair transplantation. I was 21 years old at the time. I really did not have much of an affinity to him but I thought to myself "shit, if I am going to do a procedure I might as well do it with someone who has experience". The Doc and I agreed that he would do 1,500 grafts in the frontal 1/3 (which was BARELY thinning). I choose a date and we agree on the price.


I show up the day of surgery and the Doc says to me..."you know what...what do you say we do an extra 500 grafts on you today".


It kind of put me in a panic mode right then and there. Do I pay the extra money and get the extra grafts? Do I need them? Is he just trying to take advantage of me? No no no, He is a doctor...he is just looking out for my best interest.


I knew nothing about hair transplantation and didn't even realize that I had a limited donor supply. So I figured I better not short myself and agreed with the Doctor that I would go ahead with the extra 500.


In actuality I probably needed 0 grafts that day, but Dr. Shapiro wanted to push me to get as many as possible in order for that final bill to be as high as possible. He did this just moments before I was about to go under the scalpel. It's something that has really ticked me off to this day. It goes to show you what type of unethical sales practice the man uses.


Attached is a photo of what my hair looked like about 1 year before the procedure. It thinned out a bit since then but not much.

How come you don't have more pictures? If the guy from the picture is you 4d03, your hair at that time looked fine to me. Also, if a doctor makes a mistake in my personal case, I'll go back to him, have him fix it, or get an agreement with him like a refund or something. Did you do that? Can you please post some pictures before and after as I did? I haven't seen any of them.

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Originally posted by comb:
It's good that Riky is pleased with his result; though, his pics are totally dubious and I put little stock in them. Something does strikes me as fishy about all of this...the protein shakes....3months miracle growth.....and part of which is that L. Shapiro is fond of employing shills and deceitful marketing....which leads to the other important thing:


99.9% of people who do research, like everyone on this forum, will come to the opinion that there are *far*, *far* better docs and clinics to go to. But, if Riky is genuine and happy all the best for him -- if he would like to persuade anyone, however, and improve his doc's standing he should produce a nice set of quality before and afters.




I totaly agree with this post.


I too agree and smell like rat. Post more pics with sunshine.

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The pictures I have are after 1st repair so they don't look as bad. The pictures that would help the most to demonstrate Shapiro's work are in the hands of Dr. Jeff Epstein. I did not find this site until after Epsteins procedure and therefore did not realize the advantages of documenting my progress.


If the Doctor made a "mistake" on me the last thing I want to do is go back to him and roll the dice again.


As you will find is the case with many patients on this site, you don't realize the extent of the work done on you until more of your native hair falls out. In this case it was 2 years later. I wasn't about to run back into his office and say...hey look what you did. I was already embarrased and ashamed in the first place that I put my "hair fate" in his hands the first time around.


I'm glad you did not have the experience I did. Best of luck.

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Hello Riky, just wanted to give you a heads up, the moent you mentioned L.Shapiro you will be questioned more than others, even though your pictures are up and as I can see you did not hide your face it will not matter much to these people, I am glad your procedure went well but don't be surprised if most here do not believe you regardless of the proof.

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Originally posted by sh3sw:

Hello Riky, just wanted to give you a heads up, the moent you mentioned L.Shapiro you will be questioned more than others, even though your pictures are up and as I can see you did not hide your face it will not matter much to these people, I am glad your procedure went well but don't be surprised if most here do not believe you regardless of the proof.

Thank's... I just don't have nothing to hide that's why i showed my face...

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As you can already see some of the people here are less than courteous, I am glad to see your progress, some of course will not believe you but yet will believe it when others say they don't have any pics to prove their allegations, oh well. Hope you post more pics soon and good luck in all your endeavors.

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Since this thread seems to be continuing...


sh3w -- Many people, including myself, have apologized for questioning riky's validity. I will repeat the same thing to you that many prople on this forum have said to riky: If you had a good experience, I am genuinely happy for you. I do not want anyone to receive anything less than the best possible care.


With that out of the way... having nothing to do with you personally, I think we should be fair when it comes to this discussion.


There is a thread back on March first, here on this forum, where two testimonials were written about doctor Shapiro under two different accounts, posing under two aliases. Bill immediately caught that they were coming from the same address and called the poster out on it. As a patient yourself, doesn't that trouble you? Can you blame people on here for now being suspicious?


Instead of going on and on about your own transplant, don't you have any empathy for the poster who has written about his very different, bad experience? Are you questioning his honesty? If so, how is it any different than people questioning you?


Also, if you think that people on here are only open to coalition docs, you are wrong. I have seen quite a few compliments given out recently to some doctors who are not on this site.

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I see your point but understand this, I can only speak for myself and do not appreciate being treated as though I am a fake, which is exactly what happened the moment I posted my first comments, I understand providing proof but let's be honest, even after having done that, more people came out bashing and trying to intemidate, that is not fair, all I wanted to do was to share MY experience, what worries me is the time wasted being accused of being fake, being paid off, etc. You know the site would be so much better if instead of apologizing for questioning anyone's validity, perhaps you asked or at the very least advised a new poster as to what they could do to prove that they are legit, maybe something like this : would you mind posting a before and after picture? or prescreen people before they are allowed to post.

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sh3w --


Accept my apologies once again. Try not to take it personally, I don't know you and you don't know me. You posted on that thread where there was the guy who posted under different aliases...so I'm sure you were upset by that as well. No one should be acting deceptive, regardless of the doc they're talking about.


I'm just trying to protect people exactly like yourself. People who are seeking help for hair loss. I know that an awful lot of people have been terribly hurt by doctors out there. My reaction to you was strictly for that reason.


All the best. May your hair continue to grow and look great.

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Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

Just to get one thing straight and that is Larry Shapiro is in no way affiliated with the Shapiros [sMG] in Minnesota.

Some one asked me this yesterday

Maybe to Jack Lalanne or Mr Kotter but not Ron &Paul.


That's good to know since I am considering Dr Ron. Your Hawks are a great young team with a bright future. They look like the Pittsburg of the West.

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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Originally posted by Dazed:


That's good to know since I am considering Dr Ron. Your Hawks are a great young team with a bright future. They look like the Pittsburg of the West.


Oh I'm glad PGP posted that as they could not be further apart! Dr. Ron & Paul are in a totally different league than... Dr. Lawrence Shapiro.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

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