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Hair transplant in Canada - Surgeon feedback appreciated


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After struggling with hair loss and its related depression and anxiety, i've finally decided to overcome my fear and do something about it.

As i am located in Canada, i'm currently choosing between Dr. Hasson and Dr. Rahal, and while i know those two are top surgeons with very good results, i desperately need your help in making the decision. I suffer from hair loss in the frontal area (Norwood 3) and given it is affecting the hairline, i need your feedback especially for the below criteria:

1. hair line re-construction and artistry 

2. hair transplant and how natural the outcomes are in regards to awkward hair angles, stubby thick grafts in the hair line......etc

3. graft survival and density. 

4. Actual results vs. the patients' expectations/doctors promise during the consultation.

I am so glad i discovered this forum as i have been researching for over a year, and choosing a dr. seems to overwhelming.

i am attaching my pictures and hoping people who had similar hairloss and procedures with any of the above doctors would reach out to me with their experience as well.

Thank you so much 


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To be honest, you have chosen two excellent surgeons who are very similar. Both are known for dense packing, and creating natural hairlines. I don't think you can really differentiate between their skill, for me it would come down to other factors like price, convenience etc. Have you submitted consultations with both? 

Dr. Rahal


Dr. Hasson


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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