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Red Spot

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,

I am day 24 after having a fairly minor procedure ( 730 gratfs in hairline).

Everything has been going well.

Just a question or two though.

My recipient area is obviously scab free. At 2 weeks post op I had quite a few small hairs left. In the past week, many of the small hairs have, as expected, fallen out.

My recipient area is a bit red. I also assume that this is quite normal.

Q: 1

About when can I expect the reddish tinge to Fade?


This morning, when I had my usual check on my implanted thatch,I noticed a dark red spot, the size of 1 graft, in the area. There was no apparent bleeding and, at 3 weeks+, I know all the grafts are secure.


Could it be an ingrown hair or maybe a slight infection?


It is not causing me any concern, but it looks different and I am curious.

Any clues would be appreciated.


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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,

I am day 24 after having a fairly minor procedure ( 730 gratfs in hairline).

Everything has been going well.

Just a question or two though.

My recipient area is obviously scab free. At 2 weeks post op I had quite a few small hairs left. In the past week, many of the small hairs have, as expected, fallen out.

My recipient area is a bit red. I also assume that this is quite normal.

Q: 1

About when can I expect the reddish tinge to Fade?


This morning, when I had my usual check on my implanted thatch,I noticed a dark red spot, the size of 1 graft, in the area. There was no apparent bleeding and, at 3 weeks+, I know all the grafts are secure.


Could it be an ingrown hair or maybe a slight infection?


It is not causing me any concern, but it looks different and I am curious.

Any clues would be appreciated.


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  • Senior Member

You will probably get a few more before it's over with. If they get big and slightly painful, take a hot shower and then do your best to pop the little bastard. They can hang around for quite a while if left alone.

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Redness (erythema ) in the recipient area following hair transplantation is quite normal. The redness can last a few days to a few months depending on the patients skin type. Remember no direct sunlight for at least one month. This can amplify the problem and may even make it permanent to some degree. The smaller dark red spots are probably either ingrown hairs or pimple-like lesions that are common and usually clear up once the hair has grown in. If you are ever getting a bunch of the reddish lesions in one small area and its tender and irritated you may be developing a minor infection. You should contact your doctor and they may prescribe an antibiotic.

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