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Transplant for fine hair

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  • Senior Member

Hi guys.

Are there any fine-haired patients out there who have had surgery and now are happy/disappointed with the results?

Most of the post-op videos out there are often of medium hair, or thick haired patients, leading me to believe it is much harder to get the required density for fine blonde hair.

Of course more grafts would be needed, but I would be just hoping to lower the hairline, and maybe add some density to the top. Just wondering how likely it is to get a decent result with either FUE or FUT.

Any advice or pics would be appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Senior Member

You're right! It takes multiple fine hairs to accomplish the density of one coarse hair.  Exaggerating but the right concept nevertheless.  So, it is smart to consider all options before moving forward.  One, in my view, is to start out with a very conservative hairline.  Let it come in and, if you feel it is too receded, then you can lower a cm.  Keep doing this, provided the donor is there, until you are content.  Keep in mind hair in the front grow forward, so wherever the hairline is, imagine 1" lower than that.

Fine hair gives the most naturalness, and more so when blond or light brown, (contrast issues).  Off hand think multiple procedures, either to add more density to the same area or because of area coverage.

Don't forget about medical therapy. Whatever native hair you can keep is a plus.... 

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, i understand what you mean. The main problems i have with your answer is the 'keep doing this'. While i understand that 'one and done' is unlikely, i am also well aware that good transplants 'aint cheap, haha. 

And yes the fine hair would give good naturalness, that is definitely one benefit. But as it would be a lowering of the hair line, i am somewhat worried of there being a noticeable difference in  density compared with that behind it. FUE scars also concern me somewhat as they may be more visible with my already light, thin hair....

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