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Going back to work?

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Its been a long time since ive been on here. Long story short, i had a cheap botched small hair transplant done at the Noble Clinic in Surrey (i assume / hope its shut down now, it was so bad!). Second hand car salesman, long girly haired Allen Foster (or soemhting) suckered me in when i was young and naive (about 12 years later now)

having wrestled with the terrible plugs in my temples for years, shaving them out daily and pushing all my hair forward in an attempt to hide the mess - ive decided it might be time to consider a second proper procedure here in the UK. I also have very fine hair so its getting harder to hide the mess as ive got older. Are Farjo in Manchester still the best? (They were a while bavk when i was first on here)

anyway, I digress! I was just wondering how everyone deals with going back to work and everything after a procdure? My first one they didnt shave my head so i could blag it (and my hair was thicker back then). But dont listen to any of this crap about going back to work 2/3 days later - my anesthetic from my temples came down my forehead and i looked like the elephant man and had to phone in sick for a whole week after my first one! 😂 i just cant get my head around how anyone can go back to work after having their head shaved and how it all looks for weeks / months afterwards. Do people take sabaticals from work? I work in a bank in the city, and cant work out how i could possibly pull it off without looking ridiculous (and yes, im very self conscious etc about my looks which makes things worse!)

sorry, been rambling a bit and i guess theres a couple of questions in there somehwere - appreciate any info! Cheers

ps almost forgot, i also cant just shave my head because of the whopping great terrible scar at the back of my head! 🙈

Edited by lemonsours
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If you are intent on staying within the UK I would recommend Dr Ball of the Maitland clinic. Great Doctor and fantastic clinic.

I think you would be doing yourself an injustice if you dont consider other leading Doctors in other countries.

Most guys will take around two weeks off work. At day 10 you should be scab free and look very much like you did pre surgery apart from the pink/redness that you will most likely have in your recipient area. This can differ in intensity from patient to patient, a lot depends on your skin tone. Some guys experience the reddening fading after a few weeks, other times it will remain for several months. It is largely unpredictable and will be down to a patients personal physiology and healing.

The situation is more delicate with previous FUT scars to consider. In this case it is most common to take some time off work (if you can't wear a hat such as your situation) just as would have been the case with previous FUT procedures. There is also the possibility of adding grafts into your previous scar which can be great long term, but doesn't solve the issue of concealing your scar immediately post HT.

The non shaven aspect does add a complication to the situation. More popular is a shaven donor whilst leaving the hair in the recipient longer. Complete non shaven or long haired FUE is possible but will cost significantly more, is a much more delicate and labour intensive process, and often times due to this the same graft count will not be achieved in one procedure meaning a lesser result.

When considered possible, I would say that fully shaven will be the best option in terms of what may be possible density and results wise.

I dont think that this gives the answer that you are looking for, but hopefully explains realistic options.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Like suggested, it depends on a number of variables. Unshaven, it is possible to return to work within 2 weeks without signs of surgery, everyone heals differently and myself whom had unshaven FUE had a lingering redness for over 4 weeks so there really is no guarantees.

Have you ever considered SMP for your FUT scar? You say you have fine hair and progressive loss, you taking propecia?

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Thanks for the responses. So Dylan, u had a FUE procedure and didnt shave ur head? Was it just temple filling (as i had done badly the first time!)? Im not sure how unshaven works, unless its just the temples....mist be bloody hard in the middle with all the hair!

was it miles more expensive, time consumjng etc as stated by the first reply above? Where did u get it done? Happy? (Sorry - a lot of questions!

i dabbled with some of those tablets years back, but half the time i thought it was probably fake stuff online - generic fins etc....so gave up on them. Also read loads of horror stories - but then again, ive had my kids now! 😂

Edited by lemonsours
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