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Hair transplant during 20's?

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Imo there is still some risk. Your final pattern or rate of hair loss likely isn’t fully obvious yet. I’ve been on fin since about 20-21 and I’m turning 34 soon. Over that time I’ve even added minox and other treatments but still have lost ground over the years. My advice if you decide to get surgery:

1. Plan to stay on treatments long term

2. Go to a reputable doctor that has your best long term interests in mind

3. Try to go a bit conservative (you can always add more down the line)

4. Plan to do more hair transplants down the line as hair loss is usually progressive


if you’re nw3 or below id suggest finding good styling options and trying to wait out til at least mid 20s/late 20s. All my opinion of course


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How risky? No risk at all....But,

When you say 20's, exactly how old? Big difference between 20 and 29.  And, when exactly did you start the medication?  In other words, how long have you been on it?  6 months? A year?  Not sure what you mean by stabilized.

It is typical of patients to say they're not losing hair anymore. (They are referring to no visual change).  This, unfortunately, is incorrect.  Hair you can see, (shedding), is normal.  The follicle gets tired of producing hair and it takes a vacation.  Eventually it will start producing hair.  This will happen without or with the use of Propecia.  Mind you, you will not shed all the hair at one time, some today, some tomorrow, and this will happen daily.  Most think 100 hair a day is normal.

The hair you don't see....that's hair loss.  So, when you go visit your favorite doctor, have him scope your scalp.  You'll notice a variance in the shaft size of all the hairs you see.  Some thick, some thinner, and some that are so thin, they seem to be withering away.  The hair eventually dissipates and disappears.  That's hair loss.  So, if you think you've stabilized because you look relatively the same as you always did, OK, perhaps...but I would not bank on it. Do the scoping and repeat 3 months later.  If the photos are similar, or you see enhancement of the hair....then I would say it's OK-Understanding you now have to stay on the medication indefinitely.  

Lastly, how mature are you?  Be honest.  This is not a game and you are playing with fire, particularly when you consider donor limitations and the fact that there is typically not enough hair in the area to allow for a full set of hair when dealing with an advanced pattern.

What area(s) are you considering transplanting?


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