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Great HT Experience. =)

Kelli <3

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Hi, I'm a 22 year old female, who had a hair transplant procedure Nov. 25th, 2009 by Dr. Parsa Mohebi of US Hair Restoration. This was my experience:


7:15 am: I walk in and am greeted by some of his staff. Everyone is extremely calm, friendly, and knowledgeable.


7:50am: I go in and talk with Dr. Mohebi about my goals, we review some pictures of my current hairline, and he gives me 2 anti biotic immune booster pills along with a valium.


8:10am: I am feeling really good now. =) I walk into the room in which my procedure will be done. I am given one shot in my right arm that will aid in reducing inflammation (a corticosteriod im guessing). It was painless. Then the back of my hair is pulled up and my hair is shaved. They draw the line for the donor area and give me about 7 to 10 shots of local anesthesia. They used a vibrating massage device while injecting the shots and it really makes the shot injection painless.


8:30am: The donor area is removed easily and taken for dissection. I didn't feel anything, but one minor pinch from the blade, but the dr. quickly localized that area immediately. Then they stitched it up using dissolvable stitches. (at my request). =)


8:45 to 10:30am: I am sitting watching a movie, HITCH, enjoying myself.


The Dr. starts making the microscopic incisions in the front of my head. Virtually painless, again, except for around my temple area. It is important to note that I was not experiencing PAIN in my temple area, just discomfort from the pressure on it.


12am: The Dr. just about finished with all the little punctures and it was lunch time. I was served an AMAZING lunch along with my bf who joined me. <3


12:45am: The technicians started putting the dissected grafts into the slits. This took about 5.5 hrs. We ended around 6:30 or 7pm. I watched two more movies. The attention I got was amazing. I was catered to hand and foot with anything from food, to drinks, to movies. The whole staff knew exactly what they were doing, no questions were asked and the whole staff was great company.


6:30pm: we wrapped things up and post op pictures were taken.


Parsa Mohebi was a great dr, w/ a great bedside manner. He conducted research over at Johns Hopkins which is a leading medical school in the US, he worked under Dr. William Rassman who is the HT Guru and performed alot of his surgeries, and he did residency in New mexico, among other states. He also gives free consultations which leads me to believe he is not wholey about money.

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I'm pleased to hear that you had an excellent hair transplant experience with Dr. Mohebi.


Do you have any before and surgical photos you can share with us? I know the women who regularly visit our community in particular would greatly benefit from your experience and documented progress with pictures. I encourage you to create a patient website to document your journey with photos. You can then link your website to your forum signature. For instructions on creating your very own free website and linking it to your forum signature, click here.


Best wishes and happy growing!



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