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To Belgium Dude


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  • Senior Member

Hey Belgium Dude, I just looked at your photos and my hairline is pretty much exactly the same as yours. I also read you plan to get 2000 grafts. Do you plan to do that in one session?

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  • Senior Member

Hi Brando,

2000 grafts should do it for me. I calculated the are that needs to be transplanted and it is about 25cm2. So if i get 90 grafts/cm2 in the hairline and decrease towards midscalp, ill average about 80grafts/cm2 x 25 is 2000 grafts. It is very important to get everything done in one session, especially with strip. You dont want to mess with youre scalp laxity. Not everyone can get 4 or 5 strips like Jotronic. Ill post some pics showing where i want the hairline... first have to figure out this new and degraded forum icon_mad.gif

Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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you know that you'll pay the same for 2000 as 2500, so you might as well go for 2500. Also - your hairine sketch looks very realistic, and I'm sure you'll get great density with that.

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  • Senior Member

Very nice pics, Belgium Dude. It's amazing how much your hairline looks like mine. At least I have a good idea of how many grafts it will take to achieve a nice hairline. Thanks for the help and good luck!

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  • Senior Member


is 19 your age? If yes, id recommend to go on proscar or propecia and see if it helps. I am also quite young (22) but my hairline is the same since i was 16/17. I am on proscar since august and everything is still the same as like it would if i wouldnt be on proscar. I know my hairloss goes really slow or even halted with the proscar. This is very important. If mu hairloss should have started last year or so, i would be in no position to get a HT! Also take your familymembers in consideration ( father, grandfather,...) as hairloss is hereditive ( no idea if i wrote this word correct, hope you understand ). Check out the new pics from Microprose as well, he will have a very very very dense hairline which i dont think he would have gotten if he didnt know that his hairloss will likely stay the same looking at his familymembers who all have the same hairline.

Good luck

Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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  • Senior Member

My age is 20. I have had the same hairline my whole life. The pictures of me when I was 5 years old look just like my hairline now. I guess I was just born with a bad hairline. My dad still has all his hair, just a slight recession with a little bit of thinning on the crown (not really noticeable) and both my grandpas have all there hair.

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That is good news. on the website i made, i believe there is a pic of me being 16 or 17. Check out the temples. It is very low quality but it gives an idea. I am sure that since then i may have lost about 500 grafts, it wont be more than that. i always had a fairly high hairline and temples just were never really closed. My awareness started when about 2 years ago, i lost a few graft on the right side of my hairline. I have no idea how this happened but that is all the hairloss that i suffered till now. I am not hoping that i will never have any more hairloss, that is wishfull thinking that can blow up in my face. But i do am hopefull that i wont progress to a NW6 or so. Only one member in my family had hairloss and that was my grandfather, he was about a NW4 when he died at the age of 80, this is the only one.

Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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  • Senior Member


From Belgian to Belgian I want to express my concerns about your young age and your believe that you will not run out of donor hair.

I am not going to argue with your descision of getting a low hairline. It is your choise and you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Will it look odd one day? Yes it will, no doubt about it.

Now you may think you will not run out of donor hair because of family pics. I just got back from a consult where I met a guy who is about a NW2-3 now. His whole family is wondering why he is losing his hair because in this family there has NEVER been a case of hairloss !!

So, unless you have some magic crystal ball which we do not know about you are taking your chances.


Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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