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I just want to get an opinion from you all . I had a transplant the better part of three months ago and i have a wea bit of blood spotting from my incision , i had a strip fue done . Should i be concerned ? There is no pain and its just a few spots on my pillow in the morning .

I am starting to see new growth and everything else seems to be in check ?

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  • Regular Member

I just want to get an opinion from you all . I had a transplant the better part of three months ago and i have a wea bit of blood spotting from my incision , i had a strip fue done . Should i be concerned ? There is no pain and its just a few spots on my pillow in the morning .

I am starting to see new growth and everything else seems to be in check ?

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you better have it looked at. your strip should be plenty healed by now. My guess is, there is something under the scar that got infected, maybe a piece of a suture that didn't get pulled out or disolve all the way? better safe than sorry.

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Welcome to this forum! You stated you had a "strip fue" done? Usually one or the other is done. It is a matter of how the follicular units are harvested for implantation. Who was your HT surgeon?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Have you called Dr. Coterill to address this issue? Hugh Jordan is right: your scar should be a healed line by now. I would definitely refer to your physician. It could be a suture that wasn't removed if it is from the donor area. You didn't specify that it was the donor area that was bleeding. By "incision" could you mean that it could be the recipient area?


Little "pimples" are normal following hair transplant surgery. They can easily be popped and some blood will run out from them. Could this be the case with what you are seeing on your pillow?


Best of luck to you,





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the advice guys . Yes it is spotting at where he removed that strip . Just around the back part , near my ear . I am going to my family doctor today to get him to look at it . I did email some pics to Dr Cotterill to show him whats going on .

Thanks again , your site here is very informative !!!!

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  • Senior Member

Hey Corey,


Thank goodness it was not serious and it could very well be a new and even possibly an ingrown hair coming through.


Now the fun begins! New growth! Keep us in the loop and best wishes to you Corey. icon_smile.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Regular Member

Well i went to my family doctor and he said that nothing was infected or anything , although he was quite interested in the process . So yeah the growth has started to sprout somewhat .... very minimal at thi point but i have pretty fair hair ( dirty blond ) . I have to admit its very hard waiting for my new hair !!!! Im really just hoping that its what i had expected ?

I had it done June 2nd so i guess its just about to start sprouting . I havent taken any medications or anything so maybe im slower than normal ? Anyway i will get around to posting a few pics soon enough !!!

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You say that you haven't been taking any medication. I am assuming that you have a reservation in utilizing medications that can have long-term implications and require long-term devotion like Minoxidil and Finasteride. However, I was advised by the physician who conducted my hair transplant procedure that utilizing Minoxidil in the recipient area in the months following the surgery can be very beneficial and that it would be safe to stop after a few months.


You may also want to include Nizoral 2% into your regimen. MSM has proven to be a popular supplement following hair replacement surgery as well.


Thanks for the update and best of luck to you.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Regular Member

Thanks Robert !


Ya i had debated about taking anything after the surgery . Quite honestly its the " life " commitment thing im not sure i can handle ? I know that i would start to waiver after some time so i thought why bother ? I would use a shampoo ( Nizoral ) but i have heard mixed reviews ? Its so hard to get the straight in this business ?

So you recommend Nizoral ... that is shampoo correct ?

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Nizoral is a shampoo. The 1% is available over the counter and the 2% is available via prescription. If you do get the 2% it should not be necessary to use it more than 3, maybe 4, times a week. It is pretty powerful medicine and can dry out your hair. Consider utilizing a good thickening shampoo and conditioner like Nioxin the rest of the time. I cannot say that Nioxin has caused any regrowth or even maintained hair for me but I try not to count the hairs in the drain too. I will say that after starting Nizoral 2% I really do not notice much shedding at all. My hands used to be pretty much covered in hair after I shampoo. Now there MAY be 2 or 3 at a time. This is a welcome site to yours truly!


Another thickening shampoo that I have heard pretty good things about is the new L'Oreal Vive thickening shampoo and conditioning line. You can find this almost anywhere as opposed to Nioxin which can only be found in salons and online. These shampoos may not do much (or anything) medically, but they do a good job of making the hair look and feel healthier and thicker.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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You're right to be wary of medications which go on for life; there are two schools of thought on this; there's no obligatory medication regimen. The boys here give good advice, but it's a personal decision which way you go.


My surgeon ( also three months ago ) advised me to take Propecia following the transplant - not to help the transplanted grafts, but to protect the regular hair from further balding.


I'm taking the pills, but I can see me letting things tail off in time, as I have the same reservations about medication as yourself.

The hair is growing pretty well so far, but as you say, it's early days at 3 months.

Play it by ear. And welcome to the hairy house!

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