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Post operation questions - PLEASE HELP

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I had a hair transplant 3 months ago. I don't know the right term for that kind of procedure, but I'll try to explain. A stripe of skin was removed from the back of my head, and separated to small grafts (2mm) which contain 2-6 hair follicles. After that the doctor made 800+ holes on top of my head and placed the grafts in them. according to the doctor that should be 3200 new follicles on top of my head.


As I said, I had the first procedure done 3 months ago, and planning to do another one, but I have these problems:


1. The skin between the scar from the donor area, and the surface where the transplantation was made is still numb. It's just a little bit better then when I first had the procedure done. Is that normal, and how long does it take to get better?


2. Two months after the surgery I've noticed something like yellow crusts in some of the holes where the grafts were placed. If I squeezed around them they would pop out, so I removed all of them that way. Some transplanted hairs would come out as well. IS THAT NORMAL, and will the hair that got pulled grow back?


It's very hard for me to get in touch with my doctor since we don't live in the same country, so if someone could answer my questions I would be really grateful. Thank you...

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I had a hair transplant 3 months ago. I don't know the right term for that kind of procedure, but I'll try to explain. A stripe of skin was removed from the back of my head, and separated to small grafts (2mm) which contain 2-6 hair follicles. After that the doctor made 800+ holes on top of my head and placed the grafts in them. according to the doctor that should be 3200 new follicles on top of my head.


As I said, I had the first procedure done 3 months ago, and planning to do another one, but I have these problems:


1. The skin between the scar from the donor area, and the surface where the transplantation was made is still numb. It's just a little bit better then when I first had the procedure done. Is that normal, and how long does it take to get better?


2. Two months after the surgery I've noticed something like yellow crusts in some of the holes where the grafts were placed. If I squeezed around them they would pop out, so I removed all of them that way. Some transplanted hairs would come out as well. IS THAT NORMAL, and will the hair that got pulled grow back?


It's very hard for me to get in touch with my doctor since we don't live in the same country, so if someone could answer my questions I would be really grateful. Thank you...

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Gold_Dust:

I had a hair transplant 3 months ago. I don't know the right term for that kind of procedure, but I'll try to explain. A stripe of skin was removed from the back of my head, and separated to small grafts (2mm) which contain 2-6 hair follicles. After that the doctor made 800+ holes on top of my head and placed the grafts in them. according to the doctor that should be 3200 new follicles on top of my head.



As I said, I had the first procedure done 3 months ago, and planning to do another one, but I have these problems:


1. The skin between the scar from the donor area, and the surface where the transplantation was made is still numb. It's just a little bit better then when I first had the procedure done. Is that normal, and how long does it take to get better?


It's different for everyone. For some people the numbness goes away in days, some months, some never completely (though that's not the norm)


2. Two months after the surgery I've noticed something like yellow crusts in some of the holes where the grafts were placed. If I squeezed around them they would pop out, so I removed all of them that way. Some transplanted hairs would come out as well. IS THAT NORMAL, and will the hair that got pulled grow back?


I would avoid doing that in general. But studies do show that the grafts are safe after ten days or so. Chances are that the hair should grow back. If you see the color yellow though, that may be an infection. I would go to a dermatologist and have it checked out.


It's very hard for me to get in touch with my doctor since we don't live in the same country, so if someone could answer my questions I would be really grateful. Thank you...


Who was your doctor?


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1. Numbness is normal. It should get better and better as time goes on but I don't beleive there is really a specific time frame for you to get feeling back. Be patient.


2. The "pimple-like" yellow crust you are getting are normal too. In fact, in my first procedure in which I received many multi-hair grafts I remember experiencing much more than in my prior procedure. It is advised to place a warm wet cloth on the affected area for a few minutes every so often. I would avoid trying to "pop" them if you can.



Lastly, you should be aware of both of these things already if you went to a reputable doctor. The fact you cant get in touch with her is yet another sign that you are using the wrong doctor

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Gold Dust, it sounds like she was using an outdated procedure. Even so you can get fixed up provided you choose one of the docs recommended here for your next procedure and even then don't rush into it until you see the results of this one. Repairs can mean removing and redistributing larger grafts or else working around them with new grafts to give a good overall result. Can you post a picture to give us a better idea? But it is advisable not to return to your previous doc, based on your story no matter what they offer or promise you.

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