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New Hair Transplant Instrument by Dr. Harris Revolutionizes FUE

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I know this is an old thread but I found my way here via a link from another thread and if prez is still around I thought I'd chime in. I'm wondering if perhaps the spliced down larger grafts into singles to refine the hairline and as a result this may have somehow weakened or disrupted the follicles life span. Essentially, HT is an organ transplant and as such it may 'take' for a certain duration before the body rejects it or the immune system attacks it and the result being hair loss?

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  • Senior Member
Prez, I'd agree with Bill, as well,, and the two links he posted are among the best threads around on FUE.


If I can make one subjective thought on FUE, which I've found myself thinking more and more of late. First, a statement, followed by some metaphor, and then wrap everything together: FUE has been maligned so horribly by so many (Armani being the figurehead, but certainly not a lone wolf) that it has warped perception and has created conflict when we go to talk about FUE and its yield, and how it compares to strip. We are caught balancing theory with practicality. In theory, FUE's yield should be able to rival strip every step of the way; in practicality, there is a sliding scale that varies surgeon to surgeon on when practicality begins to breaks down theory (i.e. when the limitations of FUE overwhelm the surgeon's capabilities on a given patient).


The x-factor is the evolution of hair transplantation, and how these two babies born have developed, and matured. Strip has been taken and it's principles cemented at a truly, ultra-refined level; so much so, that I would say with regard to extraction, harvesting, and yield it's reached a certain 'ne plus ultra', and simply can't reach much higher than that you can currently find with the absolute best. FUE not so, and when there isn't a *gold standard* cemented in its efficacy and so there will be more variability in results, and more confusion from a patient's perspective when evaluating clinics, even amongst the elite.


Strip is a mature adult, and you know what he will look like day to day, week to week, month to month, thus knowing what to expect. FUE, however, is a pubescent, fickle child, in a dynamic state of development and maturation. And this boy's adolescence was hijacked by the wrong crowd; resulting in to-be-expected distrust, skepticism, and criticism by what has marked him to date. Yet, this belies the character lurking beneath the surface, character that if nurtured can shine through -- and the true character of FUE has indeed begun to shine through.


I would say that FUE's yield will approximate Strip when it is performed by an elite surgeon. In part, this is because the elite surgeon will not fly too close to the sun and allow the fickleness of this pubescent child to catch him off guard and veer him into blindness. I suppose first and foremost I am advocating that you take it upon yourself to do exhaustive research -- research into the links posted above, research into individual clinics -- and determine who these elite FUE practitioners are. This site is certainly an excellent place to go about this process. Remember, FUE is a fickle child still in a state of dynamic change and evolution -- there is marked variability even amongst the best, which makes individualized research paramount, and generalized statements less useful.


If I had a medal, I'd give to this post!


Even though this post is pretty much 4 years old, I feel it brilliant describes the two techniques, or certainly where they used to be.


This thanatopsis bloke was ahead of his time!

2,200 FUE + PRP with Dr Bisanga - BHR Clinic, 22-23 August 2013 - http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/171950-my-fue-2-200-prp-dr-bisanga-bhr-clinic.html


Current Regimen:

- Rogaine 5% Foam 2x daily

- Jasons Restorative Biotin Shampoo 2x daily / Nizoral 2% 2x weekly

- Nettle Root 500mg, MSM 1500mg, Biotin 5mg, Multi Vit, Omega 3

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