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How can Scalp Laxity improve?

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With a tight scalp, I'm left with no choice but to religiously conduct scalp exercises in hopes of improving the laxity of my scalp for future procedures. However, now I'm beginning to slack and was wondering if you all can provide some pointers on how to effectively exercise a scalp to yield great results. I had read online that there is some sort of device/tool that one can purchase which will essentially massage your scalp for you? Any insight on such a tool?


Are there any vitamins/medication that one can take to loosen the scalp?


I've watched the video from H & W on Youtube to learn how to exercise my scalp. However, if anyone has figured out a better method - please do share.



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  • Senior Member

Hasson and Wong are the best of the best! They do the largest megasessions and extract the most grafts. Therefore, if there is a better method of doing scalp exercises - We've yet to find it. I'd go with Jotronics video.


The scalp exercise tool thing sounds like a bit of a gimmick. Use the tried and tested method for 30mins a day, four months before your procedure.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • Senior Member

I agree, forget tools and other gimmicks. Scalp exercises are key. I started my scalp exercise about 4-5 months before my HT with Dr Feller and the scalp really loosened up. If you scalp is flexible , this will also help a lot with the healing of the scar in the donor area and will reduce any tightness post op. Don't slack on the scalp exercises do them religiously you won't regret it.

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  • Senior Member

no need for scalp exercises if going FUE.

as the matter effect it's the opposite with FUE.

the tighter the scalp the better.

they say mushy/loose scalp is a no-go for FUE.

that's how i understood things, but if i'm wrong feel free to correct me.

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  • Senior Member

Well, i'm really not sure so maybe some other members can comment. I recently went to Belgium for consultations and they thought i was doing scalp exercises as my scalp was pretty loose.


I'm opting for FUE so hopefully i'll be alright!

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  • Senior Member

I don't have the thread saved, but after doing some searches on here I remember reading an informative thread on laxity vs. scar width. According to one of the docs, you can actually get a wider scar if your scalp has too much flexibility. He explained why but I do not remember the terminology.


Now obviously it's better to have a loose scalp than have one thats drum tight, but it was an interesting point that I didn't realize about having too much laxity.

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