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Dutasteride v. Finasteride


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  • Regular Member

Hey guys -


Would love some free medical advice...I'm 25 and have thinning hair (temples, crown)and I've been on Propecia for almost 6 months now. I experienced some shedding but overall Propecia has slowed down the thinning process. However, since I'm fairly young, I would like to hold on to what I've got for as long as humanly possible. Would I be better off moving to Dutasteride? I heard it blocks more DHT than finasteride. Is there really that much of a difference? Are the side effects harsher? Has anyone switched smoothly and successfully? Will there be another "shedding period" if I do switch? Thanks guys, It's great to have this forum.

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys -


Would love some free medical advice...I'm 25 and have thinning hair (temples, crown)and I've been on Propecia for almost 6 months now. I experienced some shedding but overall Propecia has slowed down the thinning process. However, since I'm fairly young, I would like to hold on to what I've got for as long as humanly possible. Would I be better off moving to Dutasteride? I heard it blocks more DHT than finasteride. Is there really that much of a difference? Are the side effects harsher? Has anyone switched smoothly and successfully? Will there be another "shedding period" if I do switch? Thanks guys, It's great to have this forum.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a huge shed andy.. but that was just me, sometimes people don't have large sheds. i was 22 when i started avodart and i started it to keep my temples. had a good shed but it seems to be growing back now. I'm no doctor, so I don't really know how to advise you. Know that avodart is aporived by the fda but NOT for hairloss. If you make the switch and experience any shedding, just stick with it though. Check out my regime

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  • Regular Member

How is your regime working for you? Maintaining? Growing? How long have you been doing it for?


I'm having different problems with propecia. My side effects are getting worse. I switched to everyother day which helped but not much...


I've been using minox. with retin a along with some spiro cream. I think I may drop the propecia and double my efforts with the topical solutions...

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