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The transition from Finasteride to Dutasteride


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Okay, this inquiry is mainly hypothetical but will eventually become a real possibility for me, and I'd imagine other young hair loss sufferers who are on medications to combat hair loss. I'm early in my hair loss career at the age of 24. I've had 1 transplant of 1500+ grafts to the hairline, knowing that down the road I will probably need one, if not two, more procedures. At 3.5 months post-op, my hair is essentially back to where it was prior to surgery, maybe looking slightly better due to some new hairs sprouting and being on proscar for 6.5 months at this point at a doseage of 1.25 mg/day. I really noticed a difference from proscar starting around month 5 I'd say, although nothing too drastic. I'd say a general thickening all over, although not as much of a difference in my temples, which are receded pretty far back and have been my problem area since age 18 or so

Okay, on to my question(s)- I know I have a while yet to be on proscar, probably at least another 4 years assuming my hairloss does not accelerrate too much in that time frame. I'm considering dropping down to 1.25mg 3 or 4 days per week when I am about 1 year post-op in hopes that my body will not become used to the drug as rapidly. But if proscar stops working (and based on what I've read, it looks like it inevitably will sooner or later, especially considering my hair loss at such a young age), how have you guys in this boat made the transition to dutasteride?

1. Anyone taken both drugs simultaneously (i.e., take both on differing days?)? If so, in what dosages?


2. How long was your transition period?


3. Assuming your side effects on finasteride were zero or minimal, how was the transition to duasteride? Any horror stories of really accelerrated shockloss as a result of the switch?


4. I am epileptic , albeit mildly and under control on meds. I have reservations about dutasteride because it blocks the kind of dht that goes to your brain. Would this be an issue for me? I already know I'd have to speak with a neurologist about this, but maybe someone here is knowledgeable?


I know Leeson and others have no regrets about the swithc from finasteride to dutasteride, and the fact that it has been shown to be more effective than finasteride has me interested in making the transition somewhere down the line.


Any input would be appreciated fellas. Thanks...

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  • Senior Member

Short and to the point, steer clear of dutasteride. True, it is more potent than finasteride and may result in less hair loss and/or more hair growth, but it can have neurological implications.


Research in mice raises questions about its safety when it comes to managing long-term risk for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer, since this drug through it affect on the AR1 enzyme wounds the production of allopregnanolone, a neuroprotector. Long term human trials, up to 20 years are needed to determine its safety in this respect.


Stick with finasteride, it has a long term biological model.

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You research sounds esoteric (I mean this in a good way). Can you site the location of the information ?


About finasteride having a long term biological model...this I am unaware of as only minoxidil is the oldest efficacious treatment for hairloss.


Wasn't finasteride introduced on the market in 1994?


Correct me if I am wrong.




I alternate with finasteride and dutasteride every other day, for about a month now.


No side effects, but I never had any with finasteride.

take care...



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John S, I appreciate your blunt reply. I will definitely be doing research before I make the transition (that is, if I ever go through with it). I know long-term models have not been established for dut., which is of obvious concern. In line with what mmhce has said, what long term models are available for finasteride? mmhce, I would appreciate it if you would post an occasional update on your results/experience with dutasteride. Glad to read that side effects have not been a problem for you. For me, other than some slightly watery semen from time to time, finasteride has not affected my sex drive. I also take zinc, which I suspect helps in this department. Luckily, I haven't had to emulate Rush Limbaugh just yet and resort to viagra!

Thanks again gents...

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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JohnS - you said :-

drug through it affect on the AR1 enzyme wounds the production of allopregnanolone, a neuroprotector


Please do you have the source document for this as I have never heard this before. I know type 1 enzyme is in the brain, but I read no-one knows what it is used for.


Also - why do think the drug company allowed Avodart for prostrate treatment if it did affect the brain ?


I use it so am interested to know more.

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