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Dr Cooley


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I was wondering if anyone can share pictures of there Hair transplant done by Dr cooley . I have a surgery scheduled with Dr cooley and would feel alot more at ease if i was able to see pictures of some of his patients.



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  • Regular Member

I was wondering if anyone can share pictures of there Hair transplant done by Dr cooley . I have a surgery scheduled with Dr cooley and would feel alot more at ease if i was able to see pictures of some of his patients.



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  • Senior Member



YOu can use the "Search" function located under the "New" button to do a search for others' experience with Dr. Cooley. Some latest of Dr. Cooley's latest patients are Brando, NC30, and briank.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I'm thirty-six days past my HT from Dr. Cooley. I've already posted the details of my surgery which, as Robert pointed out, you can find by using the "search" function, although my experience was no different than those of Robert, Brando, or the other Cooley patients he mentioned. In that aspect, the experience was all positive.


This short a time into the procedure, obviously, I have no new hair growth to show, but I can talk about the scar. I buzzed my hair down right after the first two-week settling period for the grafts, so it was visible, but not pronounced at all. Now, over a month later, hair has grown back in around the donor site and my hair, even only an inch or less long, covers the scar excellently.


Also, the scar is almost undetectable by touch. There is the slightest bit of raising at one or two points, but that has been fading steadily.


Robert and the others can provide better info since they are further along in the process.



Hair Apparent

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