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My uneven hairline (pics inside)


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I know to you guys it's not a major thing, but it's frustrating. I'm 21, and only my right side is really losing hair. It's somewhat stabalized now that I'm on Propecia (8 months now, only slowed loss down), but to have to comb my hair, spend hours on it to get both sides to look the same, while losing customers since I'm a marketer (on the verge of losing my job if I don't pick it up), while losing hope/confidence as an actor/musician, and losing interest from women... There's got to be something that can be done.


I figure with a few FUE's, I won't have much shock loss, and I'm a hairy guy who can always have the rest of my head redone if needed later on... No scarring... I'm all for it...


What do you recommend and how much would it cost and where?


Cuz, I need it, it's actually WORSE than it looks in those pictures, the lighting messed it up

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  • Regular Member

I think this is not all that umcommon. Both sides of my hairline are receded, but one is farther back then the other. The doc I consulted with said I would need more grafts on that side. Honestly though, you're not in bad shape. The difference is only going to be noticeable to you.

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seriously, your hair looks fine....i mean sure one side is slightly higher than the other but thats only gonna be noticeable to you, and only noticeable to you if u slick your hair up like that...i'm sure if u changed your hairstyle a bit you'd forget about it urself.

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I think it would look wrong if one side wasn't differant. The eye like's thing's a little off. No two of anything the same.

If you think your loosing hair, talk to a doc. and have him get you on a med. to stop it right now. If you stop it at this point, I don't think you will ever need a hair transplant. With the head of hair you have, you look fine. I don't know where a doc. would put the graft's...

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  • Senior Member

Arson, your hair loss is similar to many others. A lot of people lose hair on one side first. The other side usually catches up eventually. Propecia may have halted the loss on the left side. I think it would be a mistake to get grafts just on one side. Hang in there with the meds for a couple more years at least. Maybe try a slightly shorter hair cut which could make your hair look thicker. Use a volumizing shampoo. Stop using gel - it makes hair clump together.

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  • Regular Member

Arson, Listen closely. I was in a similar predicament and thought a HT was the answer after trying everything. If you think your life is bad now, let me tell you, getting a HT with your condition will make you wish you could be back where you are now. Do not do this, the sad fact of the matter is that currently there is no answer to your problem and a HT is no solution. Don't make a bad decision. If you want to do it, seriously wait. For me, getting a HT has accelerated hair loss everywhere else and left me with less than I had before even after the surgery... The hair behind has receded beyond the grafts, my scalp is scarred and there is really no way to get back to where I was.

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  • Senior Member

I am not someone who is opposed HT's in young guys, i am 22 myself, but you have too much hair. A HT can only look good when you have to re-create an entire hairline. Imagine this: the hairs in your hairline are very fine and the hairs in your donor are coarse, this is the same with everyone. Imagine you having your temples filled in. This will mean rhe temple points are thin hairs, your temples are filled with coarse hair, your forelock is again thin hair. The part that frames your face will go from thin hair to coarse hair to thin hair to coarse hair to thin hair ( starting at one temple point to the other ). This will look freaking weird!!! That is why i am opposed to HT's for NW1's like yourself and NW2's because you just cant be happy with the results AND this isnt everything. You will be in it for life with nothing you can do about it.

When you are a NW3 and you get a HT and get a complete new hairline, you still have the possibility of covering things up a bit when the hairs behind it start falling out. When you are a NW2, you cant. What when your forelock starts to move back?? You will have 2 plucks of hair on your temples and nothing in the middle, so you are forced to get instant follow-up HT's and you are forced to get into FUE because you will need small procedures and this means $$$$$$$$$$$.


I hope i made myself understood and good luck icon_smile.gif


Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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