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Hair Transplant Indore City

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  • Senior Member

This is an interesting post. Very creative flaunt of Forum decorum.



First off, in your VERY FIRST EVER POST, you claim to be doing research for a 'friend' and yet your Blog in your Profile indicates that you are connected to a Hair Transplant Clinic - perhaps in Indore City?


Funny that you don't tell your 'friend' about the clinic you are associated with...


To Wit - here is YOUR BLOG that is available to anyone here to read - NOTE: I did not keep your LINK to the clinic that did the work in the text of the blog.



A 27-year-old male came with complains of hair loss. He wanted hair transplant. On taking detail history, there was no other illness and he was a healthy male with grade V androgenetic alopecia. His donor area was good in terms of quality, density, laxity, and color of hair.

We suggest him for 3000 grafts (6000 + hair). He wanted FUT as he didn’t want to shave his head. So (OUTSIDE LINK REMOVED) of 3120 grafts was done by using Powered hair transplant technique. Grafts were kept in Plasma and PRP did during the procedure..


There's more and it's all pretty boring stuff except the hilarious part about the patient keeping it secret from even his parents.


I love this place.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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