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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


I have gone back and forth a few times in my hair loss journey on deciding to get an ht or not. 4 months ago I was really eager to get an ht and get on with life but I decided to hop back on fin and min and wait it out a few more months.


I feel now i'm at a point where I truly need to get an ht done and move on for now. That being said I have attached some pictures of my current state (wet & dry hair). Based on these pictures how many fue grafts would you think i need? I do understand this doesn't replace the need for an in person consultation, but a range or idea would be helpful. All feedback is greatly appreciated!






  • Regular Member
I'd say probably about 2500 grafts depending on how dense you want it. How old are you? Your hair loss isn't too bad.


I would want it to be as dense as what I currently have up top. Ideally to blend in to the thicker parts of what I have already. I don't think I would want to go super dense to a point where the hair is extremely thick in the front as that wouldn't be a good look for future loss.


Also I'll be turning 27 next week.

  • Senior Member

How long have you been losing hair for? Of course it's never a bad idea to wait, but if you're keen to go ahead with a procedure then I'd say around 2500 grafts would do it. That would reconstruct your hairline and beef up the front. I don't think a surgeon would want to go too far back as your hair, although visibly thinning, is still quite dense at the midscalp area.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

  • Regular Member

This is all good info. I've been quoted between 1,000 and 2,000 from different doctors. I was figuring I would be in the 1,500 range. Any other opinions would be appreciated.

  • Regular Member
How long have you been losing hair for? Of course it's never a bad idea to wait, but if you're keen to go ahead with a procedure then I'd say around 2500 grafts would do it. That would reconstruct your hairline and beef up the front. I don't think a surgeon would want to go too far back as your hair, although visibly thinning, is still quite dense at the midscalp area.


I've been losing hair since I was 20 years old starting at the temple points. I got on fin and min at 23 and stopped at 25 because I felt it wasn't working anymore. Big mistake! I recently got back on in October 2017.

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