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Need To Decide On A Surgeon

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I was curious to know how other people on this forum feel about where I am with my decision on which hair transplant surgeon to use. I’m currently between Dr. Rahal and Feller/Bloxham. Feller/Bloxham is in driving distance for me, where as I would have to fly and stay over several days in order to use Dr. Rahal. I’ve read so much on the forums about how there are around 6 HT surgeons in North America (Feller, Shapiro, Hasson, Wong, Konior, and Rahal) who are the “must use” surgeons in order to get the best possible result. I had originally decided that if I get a transplant, I would use one of these 6 surgeons. My surgery would be with Dr. Bloxham if I go to Feller/Bloxham. My question is, should I feel confident that I would be getting the same high quality procedure if Dr. Bloxham does my hair transplant? The work he posts looks really good. The problem is, that I can’t find much on the forums as far as his patients posting their results. He clearly has Dr. Feller’s confidence, but he is just no where near as research-able as the other surgeons who have been doing transplants for years and have been widely talked about on the forums.

I also believe that in so many fields, there is just no replacement for years of experience. So, are my concerns justified, or am I overthinking this? I’ve heard many say that distance shouldn’t be a factor when selecting a surgeon, but it really is for me because I simply cannot be away from home or work for more than 2 or 3 days. The are other issues too, like Rahal providing a 95% growth guarantee, where Feller/Bloxham do not.

I would appreciate hearing the opinions of other people who have had hair transplants and went through a similar research and decision process.

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  • Senior Member

Hey man.. I feel your pain. Although I have not had a hair transplant I am in the middle of researching like yourself. It is quite stressful. I have been close to pulling the trigger on FUE, but now FUT has caught my eye (with H&W).


At the end of the day (what seems like actually months of research) you just have to pull the trigger with one of them. I understand there are definitely differences in results, but if you stick to the top guys in north america like you listed, it seems like you could rarely go wrong.


Are you considering FUT or FUE? how advanced is your hair loss? that could also help in coming to a conclusion on the doctor.

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For FUT that's a tough one, they are both in my top 5 list for FUT surgeons worldwide.


I hear what you say about patient based results threads, as they are the real evidence of unbiased experiences.

Tough one to call, as Bloxham is also closer to you which gives him some small but important bonus points. It would be like asking which doctor to go with if you lived in Chicago.


After writing all that I still don't know lol.

Is there some way you could speak with former Bloxham patients in person, if the clinic could arrange that or if you could find some of them on other forums?


good luck and keep us posted

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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