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why fut over fue

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Im slowly learning about HT's as there is allot to take in. If the fue method is the latest technology why do people get the fut? I thought the fue technique was better as it is less evasive and there is no big donor scar? I know fut is cheaper but what are the advantages of both, many people on here seem to opt for the fue. Is the fut better then?



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There are benefits and drawbacks to both surgeries. Both procedures (FUT and FUE) have come along way and are considered revolutionary procedures. I wouldn't call FUE more evolved than FUT by any means, though I agree that it's less invasive.


FUE is attractive to patients because it's less invasive and eliminates a linear scar. FUE does leave scarring in form of little white dots, that in the best cases, are very well concealed by the surrounding hair, even when trimmed short. However, due to the additional forces and strains placed on the graft during extraction and placement, it is much easier to damage the grafts and negatively impact hair growth yield. Most well respected physicians in the field agree that not all patients are candidates for this surgery.


With ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation (FUT), surgeons can perform larger sessions, maximize growth yield, and minimize the appearance of the donor scar with the revolutionary trichophytic closure technique. This procedure is more invasive and additional surgical risks exist. These risks are significantly reduced when you select a clinic with a high degree of consistency in producing excellent results.


Learn more about the differences between follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT).


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
many people on here seem to opt for the fue. Is the fut better then?





You mean many people opt for FUT?


HT is not a quick fix, and considering the cost and impact HT does on your image (and confidence), it is great that you are taking your time and doing your homework.


Bill gave you a well balanced explanation of advantages for both methods, he is quite diplomatic.


In my opinion, the answer is black and white (there is not even a shade of gray). Apart for small sessions of touch up say less than 500 grafts, FUT is overwhelmingly better. Also apart from a certain (in)famous FUE doctor, with questionable ethics and great marketing skills, and who hypes the FUE method on the other hair forum, I have never ever met an elite doctor who would recommend FUE over FUT.


Don't take my words for it. Do some research, consult with some HT doctors and you find out about the huge drawbacks of FUE. The latest technology does not necessary mean it is better, and here in this case, it is definitely not better.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Strip lends itself to large sessions and dense packing, while FUE lends itself more to smaller sessions and ???detail??? work. Harvesting 2,000+ grafts in a single, relatively short day is routine with strip harvesting. You are not going to get 2,000+ viable grafts in a day with FUE. You can do consecutive days with FUE, of course.


Please note: I picked the word ???lends??? carefully. Sometimes patients opt for small strip sessions. On the other hand, sometimes patients opt for large sessions with FUE. There is no hard fast rule.


In my experience, both surgeries are effective (separately and in combination). Certainly there are surgeons who are radically for one method and against the other. If you do multiple consults with several independent doctors, I think you will see a trend and gain a more balanced view of what is appropriate for your own hair restoration.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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