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Propecia and Proscar (new to the forum)


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Hi everyone,


I'm 26 year old and my hair loss started very gradually around 22 or 23. I was in denial because my dad didn't start getting thin till around 40 and my mum's father was still getting haircuts when he was 100! It's been starting to get to me a bit lately and I can't stop thinking about it.


Anyway, I had always seen those ads on Australian tv late at night like advanced hair but they always seemed slightly dodgy. My hair hasn't gotten too bad just yet, it's receded a bit and thinned in the middle and front, the crown has gotten a bit thin so in bright light it looks like a bald spot.


Recently I read about finasteride and it sounds like it truly does have a benefit for a lot of people. Even if it doesn't thicken the hair, hopefully it will keep what I've got.


I'm seeing the doctor on Wednesday for something else but am going to ask her. Last time I asked her she didn't seem to have much idea about hair loss and just told me about regaine. So I'm not sure if she will prescribe finasteride, hopefully she can refer me to a dermatologist or something.


Sorry about the long post, on to the questions.


- The online chemist in Australia sells 28 pills of 1mg propecia for $65. This would end up costing about $800 a year which I'm not sure I can afford on something like this. Proscar is $94 for 30 5mg tablets. Is it ok to buy that and split them into 5? That would be affordable.


- When you get a hair transplant, if finasteride doesn't work for you and your original hair keeps falling out, do you have to continue forking out for more transplants as the other hair falls out?


Also, anyone get any advice for me?


Thanks very much.

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  • Regular Member
- The online chemist in Australia sells 28 pills of 1mg propecia for $65. This would end up costing about $800 a year which I'm not sure I can afford on something like this. Proscar is $94 for 30 5mg tablets. Is it ok to buy that and split them into 5? That would be affordable.


Is anyone able to answer that for me?

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Is it ok to buy that and split them into 5?




When you get a hair transplant, if finasteride doesn't work for you and your original hair keeps falling out, do you have to continue forking out for more transplants as the other hair falls out?


The native atrophic hair follicles will continue to miniaturize. It depends on your level of satisfaction. Some people are not satisfied with one surgery, but request more.


DON'T take Rogain yet!!


Minoxidil and finasteride need to work synergistically for the optimal effect.


Get on minoxidil.


Since you are in the Asia region, you can try this service:




for finasteride.

take care...



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