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Hairstyles post HT

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  • Regular Member

Hey Guys,


Just a quick question with respect to hairstyles and hair transplants.


I don't tend to style my hair upwards or with a quiff I just tend to let it lay flat, it tends not too show my recession as much.


My question is, is it better to let your hair just lay naturally post HT as opposed to styling it in a quiff? I've seen some people styling it and that's when the results somewhat show the unnatural appearance, I was just wondering if this was the case of the hair did lay flat and not expose the hairline as much?


Hope this makes sense?





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Great question. For awhile, I was seeing a lot of people with virtually the same hairstyle where the hair was parted down one side and combed over the top of the scalp from either the right to the left or the left to the right. However, when your hair is thick and dense enough, you can basically style it any way you want. I personally keep my hair pretty short and style my hair forward with the front spiking up. It's basically what most guys are doing now adays and it looks good on me. It's also simple to keep up with so it work out all around. But at the end of the day, you have to find the style that looks best on you. Experiment and have fun :-).


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the reply Bill, it's greatly appreciated!


The reason I ask is because I see a lot of the modern day haircuts and they somewhat require putting the hair in an upright position essentially exposing the frontal hairline. Because of my recession I tend to just let my hair fall down naturally, it covers things pretty well. I was thinking if I do get a HT I'd still style it in a similar fashion and hopefully the extra density when laying flat would create an even better illusion.


Thanks man

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