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What Does It Mean if Propecia Works vs. Rogaine and Vice Versa

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Is there anything that could tell me about the root cause of my recent thinning/hair loss if one medication works vs. the other? Like if Propecia seems to be working while Rogaine didn't and vice versa. Something that would point more towards one root cause over another? These medications work differently in my understanding and I would think if one works while another doesn't, it would give you an idea of the real cause of thinning of the hair.



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We still dont understand how Minoxidil works, so it would be tough to infer about the differences between Propecia and Rogaine.


Odds are pretty good that if you are experiencing baldness, its MPB....regardless of how effective the meds you mentioned are.

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it would give you an idea of the real cause of thinning of the hair.



The cause of MPB, is the minituarization of the hair follicles due to Dihydrotestosterone attaching itself to androgen receptors on the base of the hair follicles of the scalp. In persons with a genetic predisposition to minituarization of the hair follicles, baldness occurs over time.


In the mean time, if you think that you are suffering from MPB, you should pursue both Minoxidil and Finasteride in your treatment.

take care...



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