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side effect of prepocia

Big Allan

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  • Regular Member

As you may have seen on this forum already, I have been on Propecia for a little over 5 months and am experiencing eye and facial swelling. It's not that bad but noticeable. I stopped taking it a few days ago because I read where if you keep taking it after swelling occurs then the swelling could go to your tongue. That would not be pleasant!!!

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When I first began taking Propecia (beginning of September, 2009), I definitely noticed a decrease in my libido. However, that has subsided and I would estimate that my libido is about 80% back to normal. I really haven't noticed much of a difference in regards to my hair, but I've only been on Propecia for five months.

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I had some "interesting" side effects after taking Propecia, and mine were totally different from what others experience.


My sex drive actually went up after I started taking Propecia. I once had a thread about that, and I think Dr. Lindsay had an interesting explanation for this phenomenon. In fact, the first few weeks after I first started taking Propecia, my sex drive was insatiable, and I wasn't complaining btw icon_smile.gif


My other side effect were the occasional hot flashes. I did a google search, and apparently hot flashes in men can be due to fluctuations in testosterone level. Since Propecia affects the testosterone level, this outcome sounds feasible.


Now, I take Propecia at intervals - e.g., once every 2 days and sometimes once every 3 days. My hot flashes are now gone, but I think I have increased sex drives on the days I take Propecia (don't know if it's a placebo effect though).

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  • Senior Member

Ive come to the conclusion that pretty much everyone is affected when they take propecia, but some more than others and in different ways.....its a drug that affects your hormone levels so its going to affect you in some way i think...My solution. gradually reduce the daily dosage until the effects are something you can live with...Im currently cutting proscar into six ie about .8mg per day but am thinking of cutting it into 8 ie .6mg per day....I seem to be getting thick around the waist but then again it could be all the junk I ate over xmas...altho I have been working out and doing aerobics since xmas with no change so i dont know...

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