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My experience with Jerry Cooley, True review


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This is an update to a previous review that I posted. I did not have a good patient experience on many levels, but I am content with my results thus far (7 months). I received a phone call from Dr. Cooley offering a blanket apology for everything. Apology accepted. He also offered a complimentary PRP treatment. Good luck to everyone on their hair replacement journey.

Edited by ATL49
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  • Senior Member

This is a bummer to hear but I feel safe in saying that he had an off day. It does sound like he is embarrassed and apologized. I think your procedure is coming along and I do think that the technical aspect is the most important. You still have months of maturation ahead. You had a surgery from someone who is in a top tier tiny class of the cream of the crop IMO, so there should be some solace in that. What exactly, if anything, were you looking for to make this better? I think both his and his manager gave appropriate responses.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I think Spanker's response hit all the right notes. Though, customer service-wise you had an unpleasant experience, it appears you received an excellent transplant as would be expected from a surgeon of Dr. Cooley's caliber.


Given you have expressed your frustration and dissatisfaction with the clinic and received what seems to be a sincere acknowledgement and apology, what more would you like to see come of this?


I'm not trying to diminish the importance of patient care. This should be unparalleled at a world-class clinic. But, I don't believe this represents the standard from Dr. Cooley and I'm certain that he will take your comments to heart.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I'm 4.5 months from my op with Cooley. He was a nice guy and has been super-responsive to my emails. I had the opposite experience as you: everyone was nice, friendly, welcoming, courteous, and professional. I'm not in healthcare, but I am in a line of work where I deal with clients and customer service all day. I treat my clients just as he and his staff treated me.


I'm not on the Cooley payroll and granted I haven't seen my results yet (only minor improvement). But I have nothing but good things to say about his customer service.


Just to keep it real, the only issue I have is that I felt like during the client consult there was some puffery going on - i.e. telling me that I could get down to a 2 or 3 guard at some point. Probably not - I'm having issues with even a 5 guard now. But who knows, maybe I will get there?

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This is a place to post our experiences and that is exactly what I have done. I'm not looking for anything. Let's be honest, any person who went through that exact same experience would be sharing it also. Like I said in my post, I like my results so far.

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  • Senior Member

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for sharing your story, how many grafts did you receive, do you have any post op shots to see where grafts were placed. the bottom line is the result ,that's what you have to live with, keep us posted when everything grows in,pics you posted at 7months look good,sorry you diddnt have the best experience with patient care. take care

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

This is a place to post our experiences and that is exactly what I have done. I'm not looking for anything. Let's be honest, any person who went through that exact same experience would be sharing it also. Like I said in my post, I like my results so far.


Did you post your review under the same login or was it deleted? I only see 2 posts under your name.

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I took the review down and replaced it with an update. Since he called to apologize (after I posted my review) I told him I would take it down. It's unfortunate he didn't just call me 7 months ago when I expressed how unprofessional and disappointing the entire experience had been. He apologized with an email. Too much happened to reiterate it all again, but just suffice it to say it was just a crappy experience all the way around. He offered a blanket apology for everything that happened with no excuses. So I'll just leave it at that.

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