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When is it safe to color hair?


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I am two months post-op with 1500 grafts. Prior to surgery, I would occasionally color hair with "Just for Men" hair color. I am just beginning to see new growth- (though it would almost take magnification). My concern is whether using this type of product, given that it has hydrogen peroxide and many other chemicals, could be detrimental to the graft. <I ask this question because I once read a member post a comment about peroxide "killing" dormant or new grafts.> Hopefully my question does not seem ridiculous. Just want to protect my investment and appeance. Thanks.

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I am two months post-op with 1500 grafts. Prior to surgery, I would occasionally color hair with "Just for Men" hair color. I am just beginning to see new growth- (though it would almost take magnification). My concern is whether using this type of product, given that it has hydrogen peroxide and many other chemicals, could be detrimental to the graft. <I ask this question because I once read a member post a comment about peroxide "killing" dormant or new grafts.> Hopefully my question does not seem ridiculous. Just want to protect my investment and appeance. Thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I never spoke with my physician on this issue. However, I did find the following comment on a similar website:


Coloring After Hair Transplant

Question: I notice from your responses that you are very conservative so I would like to know your view on hair color and bleaching after a trasnplant in a female. I get permanent color and highlights and my doctor said it would be okay two weeks post surgery so long as the bleach does not get on the grafted areas. I hope to hear from you soon as I am at two weeks and my hair is in need of color. Thank you for your help.

Asked by: Vicki


Answer: After 2 weeks if the hair coloring/bleaching does not damage non-transplanted hairs it is highly unlikely it will damage the transplanted hairs.

Answered by: Dr. Aaron Stone, M.D.

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When I went in for my HT in April I met with PRguy who had bleached his hair a month or prior. He said that it killed some of the hair follicles & he was somewhere between 8-12 months deep. My point of view is "why risk it?" After spending all that cash, time, & emotional investment would you want to do anything to lessen the chance of getting anything but the best results? Not me. I'll save my back street boys hair bleach job for another year or two down the road.

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  • Senior Member

i have to agree with adamk969. why risk it? I know that you have to be excited to be able to "play" with it, but you prob dont wanna risk it. but if you do, let us know how it plays out.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I would say wait at least 6 months-- that's what I did and when I did use treatment, I did not apply to scalp or rumb into the scalp but rahter only applied about half way into the hair. It was over a year unitl I applied it normally.

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