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~100 graft FUE into scar! How minimal would hypopigmentation/scarring be?

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Hi all!


I'm considering undergoing an FUE procedure to restore hair into a scar that I have on the back of my head. It's located towards the bottom of the back of my scalp, on the occipital area of my head.


I consulted with an IAHRS surgeon, who said that it wouldn't take more than ~100 grafts to cover the area.


All in all, I understand that this would be a small procedure. However, the reason that I'd like to undergo this procedure, would be to cut my hair quite short in the back, quite possibly below a 1 guard.


Given that I'm only getting ~100 grafts taken from my donor area, is there a chance that the scarring/hypopigmentation would be negligible to the point that I can cut my hair quite short?


While it seems like the doctor seems confident that scarring/hypopigmentation would be negligible, I thought I'd ask for more opinions, since this procedure would indeed by rather costly for what it would be.


But not only that, I have a hard time gauging what a ~100 graft FUE procedure looks like, since most cases I see online are more involved than that.


Thanks for your time!

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What is the size of the scar? I mean, how long is it and how wide?


Photos would help otherwise it's very difficult to guess what the results might look like. 100 grafts is a small amount but again, depending on the amount of space it is being grafted into.


Scarring and hypopigmentation is a difficult thing to ascertain beforehand. Did you have any acute complications with your initial scar?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Regular Member

Hi there -


Here's a picture of my scar: http://i.imgur.com/Rb0q8hi.jpg. It's hard to say exactly where it starts and ends, but I'd say it's no more than ~2 cm wide, and no more than ~1 cm tall.


There were no complications with this scar, and it healed rather well — I initially got the scar when a doctor removed a small bump I had on the back of my head through a surgical excision. While I do feel a bit of scar tissue, it's relatively flat and hard to find just by feeling it.



Thanks for your reply!

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Thanks for the photo...honestly, I was expecting to see something worse.


You heal very well and the scar IMHO turned out pretty good. Doubtful that you would experience any hypopigmentation but again, difficult thing to predict.


If it were me, I don't think I would be doing anything to it.


I understand that you would like to wear your hair very short but maybe get the haircut first and see how things look. If you can see the scar and it bothers you, you can always add some FUE grafts into it.


I don't even think it would take 100 grafts, maybe more like 50...you don't want to over pack that scar with too many grafts because that's where you can run into issues with it.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Regular Member

Thank you for your thoughts! The scar isn't hideous by any means, but I do think it might be worth a shot, given the relatively low risks involved.


I have gotten my hair cut pretty short, and the scar is pretty visible - I think the contrast between my hair / skin doesn't help in that respect, either.



Appreciate your opinion!

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