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Everything posted by alxrbt

  1. Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm going to have a small FUE procedure done, myself. In researching the potential donor scars that result, I started to gather pictures to better inform myself of potential outcomes. And I thought that others could benefit if such a resource existed, too. However, given a couple responses that seem to not be so enthralled with this idea, I might just delete this thread.
  2. Thanks, Bill. My only concern there is that, as the number of submissions (might) grow, the number of photo attachments might make the post a bit unwieldy…? But totally willing to try that out.
  3. That's a good point. I'll change it so that this is purely a user-submitted gallery.
  4. Purpose: As you might already know, with FUE, scarring or hypopigmentation of the donor area is one of the risks inherent in the procedure. This gallery of FUE scars is meant to help patients considering FUE, so they can be more informed of the range of scarring and hypopigmentation that could result from the procedure. Ultimately, as we gather more data points through pictures, patients can be more informed, have more realistic expectations, and ultimately be more satisfied with the outcome of their procedures. Disclaimer: The purpose of this is not to praise or criticize the skills of any of the doctors that have performed any of the following FUE procedures. It should be understood that, even the most skilled surgeon in the world can't really guarantee any sort of result when it comes to the scarring or hypopigmentation that results from FUE; although, picking a qualified surgeon could certainly hedge your risk. This is simply a collected gallery of data points, from various doctors, so patients can make more informed decisions for themselves. Criteria: To limit the variables a bit, I picked pictures where patients shaved their donor areas down to a zero guard, or close to a zero guard, so we can clearly see what scarring / hypopigmentation resulted. Submit Pictures: This is entirely a voluntary, user-submitted database. If you had FUE performed, or know of a picture of a donor area shaved down close to a zero guard after undergoing a FUE procedure, please comment with a link to your picture, and I will add it to the running list. If you have any more information about the procedure, including size of the punches used, as well as the doctor, that would be good to know, too. Gallery Of FUE Scars User: Tbcruz
  5. @HairThereAndEverywhere - Good to know! Those donor extraction sites you posted on your thread look pretty small. I imagine that even if you did shave down completely, those extraction spots would be relatively hard to see? I like to get my hair cut very short in the back, although not completely bald. Anyways, happy growing!
  6. Hi there - I stumbled across this thread while doing some research into Dr. Mohebi. I'm considering having a small FUE procedure done by Dr. Mohebi, but I'm concerned about the potential scarring and hypopigmentation that FUE can sometimes leave behind. Have you noticed any sort of scarring / discoloration in your donor area after your FUE procedure? I understand that some of this is to be expected, but I'm just curious to what extent it's noticeable. Any insight would be much appreciated!
  7. Thank you for your thoughts! The scar isn't hideous by any means, but I do think it might be worth a shot, given the relatively low risks involved. I have gotten my hair cut pretty short, and the scar is pretty visible - I think the contrast between my hair / skin doesn't help in that respect, either. Appreciate your opinion!
  8. Hi there - Here's a picture of my scar: http://i.imgur.com/Rb0q8hi.jpg. It's hard to say exactly where it starts and ends, but I'd say it's no more than ~2 cm wide, and no more than ~1 cm tall. There were no complications with this scar, and it healed rather well — I initially got the scar when a doctor removed a small bump I had on the back of my head through a surgical excision. While I do feel a bit of scar tissue, it's relatively flat and hard to find just by feeling it. Thanks for your reply!
  9. Hi all! I'm considering undergoing an FUE procedure to restore hair into a scar that I have on the back of my head. It's located towards the bottom of the back of my scalp, on the occipital area of my head. I consulted with an IAHRS surgeon, who said that it wouldn't take more than ~100 grafts to cover the area. All in all, I understand that this would be a small procedure. However, the reason that I'd like to undergo this procedure, would be to cut my hair quite short in the back, quite possibly below a 1 guard. Given that I'm only getting ~100 grafts taken from my donor area, is there a chance that the scarring/hypopigmentation would be negligible to the point that I can cut my hair quite short? While it seems like the doctor seems confident that scarring/hypopigmentation would be negligible, I thought I'd ask for more opinions, since this procedure would indeed by rather costly for what it would be. But not only that, I have a hard time gauging what a ~100 graft FUE procedure looks like, since most cases I see online are more involved than that. Thanks for your time!
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