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I Know Shedding Is Normal, But..

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I'm using Minoxodil on my hairline. I was inconsistent at first, skipping days or using only once a day (sometimes not washing it out before going to sleep.) But I still noticed a LOT of shedding. I know thats normal but I wanted to clarify - most of what I read says shedding seems to start around 3 months of use for most people. I was noticing it within days. And its shedding pretty fast. Normally I wouldn't be worried because I know this is part of Minoxidil doing its thing, but I thought I'd post here and make sure since I haven't read anything from someone saying they noticed shedding within days, and continued shedding on days not using Minoxidil.


Is it possible that this is still normal? If so, I have no problem continuing. Getting my hairline back to normal is worth a while of shedding. Also, since its shedding at such a fast rate right now, does that mean it may stop shedding sooner than later? Could it be an indication that I could might get through this phase rather quickly? Its only been a few weeks and like I said I've used it inconsistently and I notice a big enough difference for me to feel the need to seek advice.


Thanks to everyone in advance for any advice! If it matters I'm using Minoxidil 5%, generic.

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  • Senior Member


Im having a similar issue, im on month 7 with Rogaine 1-2x per day (although i dont wash it out every night, is this sup to be the protocol?) anyway HUGE SHEDDING yesterday literally a handfull of hair in the sink (sent me into a panic)....ALso have a a very itchy scalp and some pimples on my scalp (crown area) could this have something to do with the shed? Ive since been treating my scalp with tea tree oil and conditioners ...

12/11/17 2500 FUE Grafts with Dr. Steven Gable

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It just goes to show how we all respond differently to various topicals and other medications.


It's certainly not the first time I have heard of this type of shedding from minoxidil and I would not recommend using it more than once per day. If you are using the 5% foam, you may want to consider using the 3% liquid version and see if that helps slow down the shedding.


The tough thing is that once the shedding starts, it usually does not stop until the shed cycle has completed its course.


Minoxidil is usually not recommended for the frontal zone or hairline area but some guys claim it has helped there.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I recently went through the same thing. I started applying the 5% foam and within two weeks, my hair was shedding in massive clumps. It was dramatic and very stressful. I stopped it for a couple weeks and the shedding has diminished significantly, though it seems to still be shedding more than baseline. I started applying again, but very sporadically.


For anyone starting minoxidil, I would absolutely recommend easing into it with a lower percentage, gauge your response, and then work your way up to 5%.


Gillenator is correct. Your hair is being thrown into Telogen Effluvium, and once it is triggered there is nothing you can do to stop it until it decides to stop. Best you can do is ride it out and try your best not to focus on the hair shedding in the shower or comb.

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  • Senior Member

...so the shedding is permanent? or does it grow back....I could swear sometimes after the shedding cycle it starts looking thicker! ......its just a roller coaster ride, makes you question whether its even working idk...smh

12/11/17 2500 FUE Grafts with Dr. Steven Gable

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