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Assessment for previous and current lichen planopilaris

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Hi everyone,


I previously was diagnosed with LPP. I have had it probably since I was around 15 but didn't diagnose it until I was around 22 or 23 when I started noticing my hair was decreasing. I then immediately took the foam and it subsided but at that point, the damage had already been done. I thought it was gone but very recently I just had another scalp punch biopsy and to my surprise it was still present on the top of my scalp. It has either been there for a while (it never fully went away) or it came back but the funny thing is, my hairline has remained consistent since I took care of it around 22 or 23.


The dermatologist I am going to is honestly worthless about it. I also have no idea, even if I cure it, when is it safe to try a procedure. Finally, given that my hair has been consistent over the years, it seems to be that there is a range in severity of LPP so maybe my case is dissimilar from others?


The problem is, my dermatologist is not an expert in LPP nor in hair transplantation. I need either a hair transplant physician or a dermatologist which is an expert in LPP or rare skin conditions to give me an honest answer. I would do Skype or whatever but I live in NY. If any of you have any recommendations for someone I would appreciate it.

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I might suggest consulting with one of our hair restoration physicians who has a background in dermatology and is an expert hair transplant surgeon. Many surgeons we recommend have a background in dermatology and thus, would probably have a better understanding of LPP.


I do also suggest you present some photos of your hair loss so we can see the affected area


Best wishes,



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