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It's been a long time since I've lost my hair and I think that I've tried everything: beer yeast, minoxidil, iron complements, essential oils, CystineB6??¦ but nothing worked icon_frown.gif Now, are more than a few months since I've started using Follon (promotional link removed). It looks like it's working, I have already some fresh growts on the top of my skull. I'm 32 and loosing hair is not right, this brought my morale to zero.

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It's been a long time since I've lost my hair and I think that I've tried everything: beer yeast, minoxidil, iron complements, essential oils, CystineB6??¦ but nothing worked icon_frown.gif Now, are more than a few months since I've started using Follon (promotional link removed). It looks like it's working, I have already some fresh growts on the top of my skull. I'm 32 and loosing hair is not right, this brought my morale to zero.

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Welcome to our community.


Members are welcome to share their genuine experiences with all non-surgical or surgical remedies whether good or bad. However, since this is your first post and you linked to a product I suspect most people haven't heard of, I suspect this to be a promotional post rather than a genuine experience.


If your experience is genuine, I encourage you to chart your progress with us by sharing your current photos and then adding monthly photos so we can see if there are any signs of regrowth.


As you can see by our terms of service, we don't allow promotional links. Therefore, I removed the promotional link from your post above.


Best Regards,



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  • Senior Member

Bill i hope you have "form" replies saved on your computer that you can just choose from in scenarios like this

my reg is:


propecia 1mg EVERYDAY

minox 5% twice daily (f the foam)

nizoral 1%


say la V old buddies .... i'm tryin to keep you

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