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Donor area---7 month mark


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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


Hope everyone is doing well with there ht. I am at the 7 month mark, and I must say there is growth but defintly not what I expected. I guess I need more work to "fill in".


One thing i have noticed is the back of my head where they removed the strip from, the hair isnt as full and doesnt grow as fast as it did pre surgery...is that normal??? will it get back to normal???


Also, I want to finish my hts, bit because my hair is not growing thick anymore I am assuming I dont have enough to donate. Is it possible to use other peoples hair, my mother has volunteered, but dont know if its possible...


Any feedback would be great appreciated

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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


Hope everyone is doing well with there ht. I am at the 7 month mark, and I must say there is growth but defintly not what I expected. I guess I need more work to "fill in".


One thing i have noticed is the back of my head where they removed the strip from, the hair isnt as full and doesnt grow as fast as it did pre surgery...is that normal??? will it get back to normal???


Also, I want to finish my hts, bit because my hair is not growing thick anymore I am assuming I dont have enough to donate. Is it possible to use other peoples hair, my mother has volunteered, but dont know if its possible...


Any feedback would be great appreciated

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  • Senior Member



How is your donor scar? Has it healed without problems?


This may just be shockloss. But if your scar widened a bit, then that could be a contributer.


As for using other peoples hair, NO.

Look at it like a kidney. You can't just slam anyones kidney into you, because you need one.


DNA and many, many factors come into play. You are stuck with what you can harvest yourself.


And as Brando stated, some photo's of the donor area would help.

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  • Regular Member

Oh, you guys just broke my heart about not being able to use someone else's hair icon_frown.gif


I dont have any before pics but I will certainly get some recent pics....


Has this happened before?? not growing in thick and full like before?

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  • Senior Member


look at it this way. Did your doner scar heal like most cuts on your hands or arm?


Widening, is the scar area is strechted. Causing a wide scar. Ideal is 1mm scar like a cut to the hand.


Really would like to see the recent pics, to give you a better assesment.

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