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Hair Texture FUE 7 Months On

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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I had FUE roughly 7 months ago on my hairline and surrounding areas.

I've enjoyed satisfying results thus far and enjoyed the change in lifestyle that has come with it. I just have a couple of questions;


Firstly, my hair still seems over curvy, and wiry. Is this common at this stage? and how long will it take to look a little more natural. Is it advisable to grow it out or keep on top of it in the forms of haircuts?


Secondly, just wondering what stage I'm at regarding thickness. I'm happy so far, but hoping my hair does thicken up as I time goes on


Thanks in advance & all the best,

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  • Senior Member

You are still in early stages of growth, the transplant hairs most likely have only been growing for about 3/4 months. Over the next 6-9 months the hairs will continue to mature and become more like the hair in the donor area. You will also continue to gain more density over that time too.

I am employed as the patient coordinator and office manager for Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic. Feel free to ask me any questions.


Dr. Panine is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be interperted as medical advice

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  • Senior Member

What type of hair do you have? Is it naturally curly, wavy or straight?


Your hair should mature and end up blending better with your native hairs and you should see improved thickness. Whether you keep it short or let it grow a bit longer depends on your individual hair type and taste. I know that I prefer to keep mine shorter, but that's because my hair is quite fine and the shorter I have it the neater it looks.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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