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Hair below FUT scar thin

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After my second FUT all hair below the scar is thinner than above it. I've read this could be due to the blood supply being attenuated. I think I have retrograde alopecia but I would of thought above the scar would be thin too but the density and texture change is very different either side of the scar. I guess there is nothing I can do about this but I thought I would post here too get peoples thoughts. Would micro needling be an option to try and stimulate the circulation of my scalp?

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There is some circumstantial evidence suggesting that micro needling can stimulate some nominal growth. But personally, I'm not convinced. Not only that, but a hair transplant doesn't require anything special (other than time) to be successful. Losing hair and shock loss can be very frustrating but any hair that wasn't on the way out will grow back over time.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

I am a year post op so I doubt it's shock loss. I guess i could be retrograde alopecia though I would of thought the hair above the scar would be somewhat thin as well but there is a big change of thickness below and above.

I am getting FUE into the scar soon and I have been assured by several prominent surgeons the hair below will not be shocked by this though It is causing me anxiety. If I theoretically lost all hair below the FUT scar I suppose I would have to get hair transplanted below it.


At least with the FUE into the scar I will be able to cut my hair shorter which masks the problem of the hair being wispy below.


There are many who warn against FUT and someone who has had two I would say if you are thinking of getting a HT go with FUE (with a top surgeon of course). Having the FUT scar is really not worth it especially if something goes wrong and you need to shave your head. I went with a surgeon on the recommended list but things can go wrong down the line.

Edited by David - Moderator
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