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I would like to hear from 3 to 5 year post operation patients? I want to know, is this HT world for real? I mean it seems to me that there are too many people on this site that are 3 to 9 months post operation and that's it.


Where's everyone else? I want to know if you've really been satisfied? Also, please do not respond if you are below 30 years old. I think an HT should be for someone that is 30 and over.


Are you out there?


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I would like to hear from 3 to 5 year post operation patients? I want to know, is this HT world for real? I mean it seems to me that there are too many people on this site that are 3 to 9 months post operation and that's it.


Where's everyone else? I want to know if you've really been satisfied? Also, please do not respond if you are below 30 years old. I think an HT should be for someone that is 30 and over.


Are you out there?


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  • Regular Member

MSS28 - At first glance, I'm sure it appears that most of the people posting are HT newbies such as myself. Once you get a chance to delve into the forum, you'll see posts by people such as Smoothy, Pat and others who have had HTs done over a number of years (click on Find and type in their names to view their posts).


I'm reminded of the saying, "Nothing focuses the mind like a .44 pointed at you. "

The reason you don't see more HT vets is because this is a support group for people who are in the process of losing their hair and want to know what options are available. People come here to gather feedback on what they might do and then compare notes once they've chosen a specific treatment. Once the problem is under control, and they've decided what they want to do and do it, it's understandable that people would simply move on with their lives and stop participating in the forum.


It's been suggested that a special category be added to the forum (HT Alumni) to document the experiences of people who had their last HT two to three years in order to provide information to those of us who are embarking on this journey.


It's great that you've found this forum - it is a tremendous font of information and should help you in your decision. As long as you remain inquisitive and focused, I think you'll find the answers that you're looking for.


Best of luck

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  • Senior Member

Hi mss28,


What FS stated is very true. I just spoke with one of Dr. Rose's patients yesterday and he had his third procedure which he thinks will be his last one. He looks awesome! He used to surf these forums quite a bit when he was going through his research stage. I asked if he was still active on the forums and he advised me that he no longer had any need to. So I too see lots of folks move on with their lives unlike some of us hair junkies!


Anyway, my first transplant was in 1996 (nine years ago) and is still growing! Had my second HT in 2001 and the last one in 2002. All still growing!


I mentioned in another thread that I still see patients who had open donor 25 years ago or so and the plugs are still growing in most cases. Although there is no aesthetic appeal, the hair is growing!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I recommend that you try to meet some patients in person if possible (and not just guys who might do sales for a doctor... of course they look good, that's how they got hired in the first place). Meet as many patients as possible, hopefully guys who are similar to you in age, hair characteristics, amount of hairloss, etc. That should help.


You can find older patients here too, just stick around for a while.

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  • Regular Member

I would classify myself as a HT veteran & an active reader/participant on this forum...I've had a total of 4 procedures beginning in 1975 when I was very young & naive--I had another plug procedure in 1985 & have had (2) recent FUT procedures...my original plugs are still growing, after all these years, although they aren't very pleasing to the eye--they are now hidden by approximately 3500 FUT's...I believe that today's procedures, performed by a reputable surgeon, can closely emulate our natural hair patterns & give the illusion of a healthy head of hair...IMO, if you have realistic expectations, it can be a satisfying experience--of course, the experience is different for everyone!

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I would also class myself as a 'veteran'. I am 43, started losing my hair in my mid 20's and had my first round of surgery in 1988.

All of my original work is still going strong and doing as it is told.


I believe 'vets' such as myself, and the other names mentioned, are all probably trying to repair or fine tune the work that was done in times when the techniques weren't up to scratch.

The other consideration is the unpredictable nature of the balding process; there is always the possibility of playing catch up.


To be totally honest, I don't think anyone is ever completely satisfied with their results over time.

The excitement and expectation that a patient feels in the months following surgery is often gradually replaced by slight disappointment that the density is not quite what was expected etc. For most, however, this is usually balanced with a feeling of " I am still much better off!"

I believe that the euphoria or satisfaction with HT results tends to be temporary. Then the niggling thoughts about ways to improve it begin.


As a 16 year patient, my hair is still growing but I am always looking at ways of improving the result.

To answer your question, HT's are for real. Just keep in mind the reason that you seek hair replacement. Then realise it is possible that you will be a patient for life.

I am sure that with talk of hair multiplication and / or cloning, most former HT patients will be keeping an eye on its progress in order to get a 'touch up' etc.

The chasing of the most recent technology in order to get the 'perfect; result keeps most of us on the treadmill.

It is the naive quest for the ultimate result that causes problems for patients.

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