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Losing grafts at 4.5 months post op?

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I'm 4.5 months post-op from a 1000 graft surgery just behind my hairline from Dr. Keene. In the past month, I have been noticing bumpy, dandruff like flakes forming randomly around the recipient area. These flakes always fall off and contain numerous hairs inside them. One in particular was very itchy and I couldn't resist the need to remove it. I was horrified to see the graft came out and blood began to emerge. Why am I possibly losing grafts almost 5 months post op? I would have thought this could only occur in the first few weeks after surgery. I attached pictures of the exact graft and the blood when removed. I am very discouraged and worried....





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  • Regular Member

I'm 4.5 months post-op from a 1000 graft surgery just behind my hairline from Dr. Keene. In the past month, I have been noticing bumpy, dandruff like flakes forming randomly around the recipient area. These flakes always fall off and contain numerous hairs inside them. One in particular was very itchy and I couldn't resist the need to remove it. I was horrified to see the graft came out and blood began to emerge. Why am I possibly losing grafts almost 5 months post op? I would have thought this could only occur in the first few weeks after surgery. I attached pictures of the exact graft and the blood when removed. I am very discouraged and worried....





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Seems the itchies are quite common. you probably want to get on a good anti dandruff shampoo and then apply aloe lotion or gel whenever the urge to scratch presents itself. Aloe seems to work well to control my itching.


Any graft can be pulled out if you use sufficient force I supppose. good luck.


Talk to your doctor also. we want to make sure that the flakes are not forming because of something oozing out from under the scalp. This would then suggest you may have an infection going on as well and that needs treatment.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you for the reply. The thing is, I didn't use hardly any force at all. If I didn't remove it then, it would have detached during a routine shampooing. I've noticed many grafts falling out this way the past month, but none produced blood like this. After 4.5 months, I should be seeing growth, not continued loss.

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You will experience a host of sensations during a HT surgery. A bit of pain,numbness,itchiness,hair shedding,slight dandruff and even scabs falling off. Based on my 3 HT's this is normal as long as it is not an extreme ( however, it is normal for the grafts to shed post op)


Just use a bit of common sense and conntact your doctor if you feel uncomfortable outside of your post op guidlines from your doctor



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Was there a lot of blood when it came out? I've seen posts on here from docs and techs that after 10 days post op the only way you could get the follicles out of your head was by cutting them out with a scalpel....so I don't think that there is any way you're losing grafts at 4.5 months. You should call your doc though and email her those pics you posted on here and see what she says. To me it just looks like hair that has been shed with a scab that maybe wasn't ready to come out (hence the bleeding). But like you said, you should be experiencing growth at almost 5 months and not shedding. I'm actually pretty anxious to see what she has to say so report back por favor!

- 1 HT ~ 3000 grafts

- Regimen:

Propecia 1X daily

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I won't pretend to be a Dr...But that is not normal...There is no way in hell you can just pull a FU 5 months post op like that....I suggest you contact your surgeon ASAP!!



Just a thought from the peanut gallery..

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Shedding of the grafts is 100% normal!!!

As long as they are not pulled out ( i.e. blood etc). Some grafts may stay others not. At the end of the day you should start seeing cosmetic results at about 6 months or so. This certainly doesnt mean all hair is growing and sprouting!!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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