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FUE Hair Transplant in Mumbai : help!


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Hi Everyone,


I'm planning on an FUE transplant in Mumbai.


Who would be the best Dr. for this? Any recommendations?


I am going to need 10,000 grafts as per the picture.

I've been advised 3000-4000 grafts can be taken from scalp + 2000-2500 grafts from beard and rest from chest or body hair to achieve this.


I'm doing my due diligence but it's very confusing. I have contacted some Dr's who said I'm not a good candidate due to bald area being large whereas other Dr.'s have said it's achievable.



Anyone who can give me any directions I would really appreciate it so that I can plan the 1st procedure.




Thank you!



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First, I suggest taking a look at this link to all the physicians we currently recommend in India.


Second, whether or not you are a good candidate for surgery depends largely on your expectations. As you already are aware, you have an extremely large balding area. I understand you are considering the addition of body hair transplantation. and while I've seen some impressive results and happy patients from this, the outcome is not what everyone might consider desirable.


What sort of hairline, density and coverage are you aiming for? Have you seen any results on someone with similar hair loss that you find appealing?


Most guys are going to advise you to shave your head and accept your baldness and they will certainly be the most cost effective response. However, I know that is not for everyone and that there are many guys out there that will prefer even a dusting of hair over total baldness. Thus, I always say that there is never any harm in consulting with a skilled, experienced and ethical surgeon even when the case may seem hopeless. If you're getting mixed messages from doctors, be sure that the the ones you are talking to have reputations as ethical and experienced in BHT cases.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thanks heaps for your response David.


The Physicians in the list recommended are not located In Mumbai and hence I can't consider them.


I have seen US Dr's such as Sanusi Umar who has done 10,000 grafts with success however the cost becomes extremely high.


Example of what I am after :

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  • Regular Member

Hi Agent47,


We have done 10,000 graft Hair Transplant surgery of New Zealand patient. He was grade 7 patient. It was body hair transplant. You can check his 5000 graft surgery result video, after 2 year.




In November, 2016 he has gone another 5000 graft surgery.


But we not located in Mumbai. Our clinics are in Delhi, Bangalore and Ludhiana.

Online Representative and Patient Advisor for:

Dr. Kapil Dua, AKClinics - Hair Transplant in Delhi, Ludhiana and Bangalore, Chennai - India.

Dr. Kapil Dua, Board of Governor at ISHRS(USA), Board of Governor at AAHRS, President of AHRS India

is a recommended surgeon at Hair Transplant Network.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Thanks for the response guys!


Yes I know that due to my large balding area I am not an ideal candidate due to limited donor area.


However, using Body and Beard hair mixed in with Scalp via FUE might give a good result as per above patients who are Norwood 6/7.


Does anyone have any experience with Dr. A's Clinics? Since they are located in Mumbai and highly rated I was thinking they could be suitable. What things should I be mindful of?



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